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Oracle® ZFS Storage Appliance Administration Guide
Oracle Technology Network
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Document Information

Using This Documentation

Chapter 1 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance Overview

Chapter 2 Status

Chapter 3 Initial Configuration

Chapter 4 Network Configuration

Network Configuration Page



Network Interfaces

Network IP MultiPathing (IPMP)

Network Performance and Availability

Network Routing Configuration

Network Routing Entries

Network Routing Properties

Network Configuration Using the BUI

Network Configuration Page

Network Addresses

Network Routing Page

Network Configuration Using the CLI

Network Configuration Tasks Using the BUI

Creating a single port interface

Modifying an interface

Creating a single port interface, drag-and-drop

Creating an LACP aggregated link interface

Creating an IPMP group using probe-based and link-state failure detection

Creating an IPMP group using link-state only failure detection

Extending an LACP aggregation

Extending an IPMP group

Creating an InfiniBand partition datalink and interface

Creating a VNIC without a VLAN ID for clustered controllers

Creating VNICs with the same VLAN ID for clustered controllers

Adding a static route

Deleting a static route

Network Configuration Tasks Using the CLI

Adding a static route

Deleting a static route

Changing the multihoming property to strict

Chapter 5 Storage Configuration

Chapter 6 Storage Area Network Configuration

Chapter 7 User Configuration

Chapter 8 Setting ZFSSA Preferences

Chapter 9 Alert Configuration

Chapter 10 Cluster Configuration

Chapter 11 ZFSSA Services

Chapter 12 Shares, Projects, and Schema

Chapter 13 Replication

Chapter 14 Shadow Migration

Chapter 15 CLI Scripting

Chapter 16 Maintenance Workflows

Chapter 17 Integration


Network Configuration Page

The Configuration page is shown by default, and lists Devices, Datalinks and Interfaces, along with buttons for administration. Mouse-over an entry to expose an additional image:Move icon, and click on any entry to highlight other components that are associated with it.

The Devices list shows links status on the right, as well as an icon to reflect the state of the network port. If ports appear disconnected, check that they are plugged into the network properly.

To configure an IP address on a network devices, first create a datalink, and then create an interface to use that datalink. The image:Add item icon may be used to do both, which will display dialogs for the Datalink and Interface properties.

There is more than one way to configure a network interface. Try clicking on the image:Move icon for a device, then dragging it to the datalink table. Then drag the datalink over to the interfaces table. Other moves are possible. This can be helpful for complex configurations, where valid moves are highlighted.