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Customizing Automated Installations With Manifests and Profiles

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Updated: November 2020

Preparing the Base Manifest

The first component when working with derived manifests is the base manifest.

How to Create a Base Manifest

Before You Begin

Ensure that your role has the appropriate rights profiles to perform this procedure. See Using Rights Profiles to Install Oracle Solaris.

  1. Create the base manifest through one of two ways:
    • Create an empty XML file.

      At the top, the blank base manifest must contain the following defined elements:

      <!DOCTYPE auto_install SYSTEM "file:///usr/share/install/ai.dtd"> <auto_install/>
    • Create a copy of an existing manifest.

      For example:

      $ cp /usr/share/auto_install/default.xml /var/tmp/aimsample.xml
  2. Set the variables that identify the base manifest and the location of the script's logs.

    For example, depending on your shell, you might type the following commands:

    $ export AIM_MANIFEST=/tmp/aimsample.xml
    $ export AIM_LOGFILE=/var/log

Next Steps

Next you would create the script that would modify aimsample.xml during installation according to client attributes.