Oracle® Solaris Cluster Geographic Edition System Administration Guide

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Updated: July 2014, E39667-01

How to Forcibly Change a Site Member to a Site Controller

Perform this procedure to change the role of a site member to a site controller when no existing site controller is accessible. There must be at least one other accessible member in the site.

The site member submits itself or another site member as a candidate for site controller. Each site member cluster must individually accept the candidate cluster as a new controller. No controller operations that are issued by the candidate cluster are obeyed by a site member cluster that has not yet accepted the candidate cluster as a controller.

If a site controller cluster was unavailable at the time a site member cluster submits itself to be a controller, the controller automatically accepts and synchronizes the site configuration change when it again becomes available.

If the site member is the only cluster in the site, the controller role is immediately assigned to the cluster. If later another cluster is added to the site, the new cluster must then accept the existing cluster's state as a site controller.

  1. From a node of the site member cluster that you want to make a site controller, assume the root role or assume a role that is assigned the Geo Management RBAC rights profile.

    For more information about RBAC, see Securing Geographic Edition Software in Oracle Solaris Cluster Geographic Edition Installation and Configuration Guide .

    Note -  If you use a role with Geo Management RBAC rights, ensure that the /var/cluster/geo ACLs are correct on each node of both partner clusters. If necessary, assume the root role on the cluster node and set the correct ACLs.
    # chmod A+user:username:rwx:allow /var/cluster/geo

    The /var/cluster/geo directory must have the correct access control lists (ACL) applied for compatibility between the Geo Management RBAC rights profile and data replication software.

  2. Submit the request to become a site controller.
    candidate-cluster-node# geosite set-role -c candidate-cluster site
    -c candidate-cluster

    The name of the cluster that is requesting to be made a site controller. The candidate cluster can be the issuing cluster or another site member cluster.


    The name of the site for which the candidate cluster is requesting the site controller role.

  3. From another member cluster in the site, accept the request from the candidate cluster.

    A site member cluster in the site must accept the role change request before the change will take effect for that cluster.

    Note -  If the site has no other clusters, omit the remaining steps in this procedure.
    site-member-cluster-node# geosite accept candidate-cluster site

    The name of the cluster that requested to be made a controller of the specified site.

  4. Verify on the accepting cluster that the candidate cluster is now a site controller.
    site member-cluster-node# geosite show -v sitecandidate-cluster  controller
  5. Repeat Step 3 and Step 4 for each remaining cluster in the site.


If more than one site member cluster proposes itself as a site controller and different site clusters accept a different new site controller, this creates a conflict for control of the site. To avoid such conflicts, promote only one cluster as a site controller and accept it on all accessible site clusters before you promote another cluster as a new site controller.

If a conflict for control of the site does occur, identify which cluster should be the site controller, then issue the geosite update desired-site-controller site command from each accessible site cluster that is in a synchronization error with that cluster.

If any cluster is down at the time that a site cluster is promoted to site controller, after the site cluster returns to service, ensure that it has no synchronization conflicts and, if necessary, use the geosite update command to resolve any conflicts.