The auto correct function is enabled at the MDEX level, and it is “on” by default. If a search is auto-corrected, the shopper sees a message, for example:

Using this example, when we search for “sheo,” it is auto corrected to “shoe”. In the response JSON, we can see:

"MainContent": [
        "enabled": true,
        "originalTerms": ["sheo"],
        "@type": "SearchAdjustments",
        "name": "Search Adjustments",
        "adjustedSearches": {"sheo": [{
          "adjustedTerms": "shoe",
          "autoPhrased": false,
          "class": "com.endeca.infront.cartridge.model.AdjustedSearch",
          "spellCorrected": true

If we examine:


We can see that Commerce Reference Store checks contentItem’s adjustedSearches property, contentItem.adjustedSearches, and if it is not empty, it displays a message in the format of: “Your search for X was adjusted to Y”:

<c:if test="${not empty contentItem.adjustedSearches || not empty contentItem.suggestedSearches}">
    <div class="SearchAdjustments">
      <%-- Search adjustments --%>
      <c:forEach var="originalTerm" items="${contentItem.originalTerms}" varStatus="status">
        <c:if test="${not empty contentItem.adjustedSearches[originalTerm]}">
          <fmt:message key=""><fmt:param><span>${originalTerm}</span></fmt:param></fmt:message>
          <c:forEach var="adjustment" items="${contentItem.adjustedSearches[originalTerm]}" varStatus="status">
            <span class="autoCorrect">${adjustment.adjustedTerms}</span>
            <c:if test="${!status.last}">, </c:if>

In the second half of SearchAdjustments.jsp, we can see how the “Did you mean?” feature is implemented:

<%-- "Did You Mean?" --%>
        <c:if test="${not empty contentItem.suggestedSearches[originalTerm]}">
          <div class="DYM">
            <fmt:message key="">
                <c:forEach var="suggestion" items="${contentItem.suggestedSearches[originalTerm]}" varStatus="status">
                  <a href="${siteBaseURL}${suggestion.contentPath}${suggestion.navigationState}">${suggestion.label}</a>
                  <c:if test="${!status.last}">, </c:if>

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