The same basic design for a homepage, configured in Experience Manager with the OneColumnPage template is used for Desktop, Mobile Web and native IUA apps, using the ATG slot HomeTheme. The HomeTheme targeter returns three promotional content items based on site and segment context.

Two cartridges

Scrollable content is displayed using a cartridge called ScrollablePromotionalContent-ATGSlot, which is based upon the existing PromotionalContent-ATGTargeter. The shopper is able to click on a visual cue to scroll the images on the desktop and swipe through the images on mobile web and IUA.

Note: The use of a touch slider for Mobile Web has known accessibility limitations. The shopper cannot move to the next image, or the next set of spotlighted products, when VoiceOver is enabled.

HorizontalRecordSpotlight cartridge is used to show featured items both horizontally and vertically in a slider. For more information on this and all cartridges, see the Commerce Reference Store Overview.

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