In the preceding sections we have touched on many areas that can be customized to your needs. You can also customize other aspects of CRS-M. These include:

In the Low Level Architecture – How Pages Work section we discussed in deeper detail some topics that were previously introduced. The most relevant of these with respect to customization are:

In the Performance Considerations section we discussed some topics for improving performance that can be customized for your implementation:

  • How to configure the viewport, and different ways that this can be done – that is, allow the pinch-zoom gesture, disable pinch-zoom, configure for different screen sizes

  • Caching of data on the client – the CRS-M homepage demonstrates one approach but this could be customized to be more or less aggressive based on your needs

An additional item of note that is useful for customization is what is referred to as site-specific CSS. Commerce Reference Store demonstrates how to use site-specific CSS to give different sites a different look-and-feel on its different site configurations. For information about site-specific CSS in Commerce Reference Store please refer to the ATG Commerce Reference Store Overview, which can be found via the Oracle ATG Web Commerce documentation page.

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