The architecture is described in the following section.

Client-Server Interaction

The product details page was designed to minimize the number of round trips to the server. All information pertaining to a given product such as prices and features of the product’s child SKUs, is loaded immediately with the rest of the page. Subsequent round trips to the server require the user’s input and as such cannot be further optimized, for example, adding an item to the shopping cart.

Product Configuration Data

All data associated with a product’s child SKUs is rendered by /mobile/browse/json/getSkuJSON.jsp. This data is then processed during the jQuery ‘ready’ event, and transformed into event handlers that close over the SKU data and DOM elements that will be modified as the user makes their selections. The resulting functions are highly optimized, as any calculations that do not depend on the execution context have been abstracted to the ‘ready’ event and bound in local scope. The following illustration shows the same product while the user is selecting a size.

Page Hierarchy

The user arrives at the product details page by clicking a link to a product. When such a link is generated, it points to one of four template pages:

Each of these template pages is responsible for deriving an appropriate set of parameters that are passed to productDetail.jsp and used to render the page:

The only required parameters are product and picker; the rest may be derived depending on what is appropriate for the given product. For example, productDetailColorSizePicker.jsp derives all of the parameters listed above, whereas productDetailMultiSku.jsp only derives product, picker, selectedSku, selectedQty, and ciId, as those are the only parameters that pertain to multi-SKU products. Additional template pages and their required parameters could be easily added here to customize or modify CRS-M’s product details page to your specifications.

Once the correct parameters have been passed to productDetail.jsp, it utilizes the mobilePageContainer tag (see “Common Elements”) to include the SKU data (/mobile/browse/json/getSkuJSON.jsp), page content (/mobile/browse/productDetailsContainer.jsp), out-of-stock notification form (/mobile/browse/gadgets/emailMeForm.jsp), related items slider (/mobile/global/gadgets/productsHorizontalList.jsp), and—depending on the context—either the add-to-cart form (/mobile/browse/gadgets/addToCartForm.jsp) or update cart form (/mobile/browse/gadgets/updateCartForm.jsp).

The following illustration shows the product details page displaying a single SKU item:

Pickers - JSP

The term “pickers” is used within CRS-M to refer to the SKU selectors, that is the pickers that are seen on the product details page. In terms of page code, the term “pickers” refers to a JSP that can display those SKU selectors.

The picker parameter passed to productDetail.jsp (see above) is a string representing the relative path of the JSP that should be used to render the pickers for the given product. Although this path can point to any JSP on the site, there are two picker JSPs included with CRS-M: colorSizePickers.jsp and multiSkuPicker.jsp. It is worth noting that there is not a one-to-one correspondence from product details template JSP to picker JSP as two of the template pages—wood finish and color/size—can use the same picker, and single-SKU products do not require any pickers.

Similarly to the product details template JSPs, each picker JSP is also a template. They each derive the appropriate parameters to then pass to the generalized pickerList.jsp, which renders a generic picker. Currently, pickerList.jsp accepts the following parameters:

Again, you can extend this to add additional picker JSPs and render modified or additional pickers for your purposes.

Pickers – HTML and CSS

The generated markup for the pickers is intentionally simple. An individual picker is of the following form:

<label for="${id}" …>
  <select id="${id}" …>
    <!-- Default option -->
    <option value="" label="${defaultLabel}" disabled/>
    <option value="…" label="…"/>

It is worth noting that the select control is nested inside its own label. This was included primarily for accessibility considerations, as every form control must have an associated label.

CSS styles are applied to the select control to customize its appearance while utilizing the browser’s native <select> element functionality. This greatly reduced the amount of work that would have been necessary to create a completely custom select control without sacrificing the desired functionality.

Pickers – JavaScript

As noted above, all functions necessary for picker functionality are created and bound when the page loads. These functions are members of the skuFunctions object, which follows the JavaScript “module” pattern. The signature of the skuFunctions “module” is as follows:

Again, these functions can be modified or additional functions added in order to meet your requirements.

Paired Sites

This feature supports two-way connections between sites. For example, if a shopper entered the CRS Store’s desktop URL on their mobile device, they would be correctly re-directed to the mobile CRS Store site. If the shopper shared an item with a friend using the Email A Friend feature while on their mobile device, then the URL that is sent in the email should be pointing to the product on the CRS Store Desktop site rather than the mobile site. The paired sites mapping helps the shopper view the correct version for their device by allowing the application to know which URL to display in which situation.

The paired sites concept is used in CRS mobile for the MobileDetectionInterceptor component as a way to find a corresponding mobile site by a known non-mobile Commerce Reference Store site and vice versa.

A site is identified as “full CRS” when the “channel” property is “desktop”. All other values are considered not to be “full CRS” identifiers. For example, a “channel” value of “mobile” is used to identify a mobile site.

The “channel” property is defined in the sites.xml file.

The MobileDetectionInterceptor uses the “paired sites” information and the site “channel” property value for redirection between mobile and non-mobile sites when a mobile user agent performs a request with non-mobile site URL or non-mobile (desktop) user agent requests a resource from a mobile site.

Site pairs are defined in the sites.xml files for each “CRS mobile” submodule using special site groups with the crs.MobileSitePairs shareable type. Each site group with the crs.MobileSitePairs shareable type joins together a “full CRS” and corresponding mobile site, thus “pairing” the mobile and non-mobile sites.

For example, the CRS mobile sites.xml file defines the following sites group:

   <add-item item-descriptor="siteGroup" id="sitesUS">
     <set-property name="displayName"><![CDATA[Sites (US)]]></set-property>
     <set-property name="sites"><![CDATA[storeSiteUS,mobileStoreSiteUS]]></set-property>
     <set-property name="shareableTypes"><![CDATA[crs.MobileSitePairs]]></set-property>

In this example, the MobileDetectionInterceptor component redirects a mobile user agent that requests the storeSiteUS site to the mobileStoreSiteUS site.

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