The Default Browse Page uses the MobilePage template with no user segments specified and it applies at all locations, as shown in the following figure:


These are the cartridges used in SecondaryContent.


Cartridge Type

Shared Cartridge



Breadcrumbs - Breadcrumbs


The breadcrumbs appropriate for the current navigation state.


ContentSlot-Secondary - Guided Navigation


The guided navigation container


These are the cartridges used in MainContent.


Cartridge Type

Shared Cartridge


Results List Slot

ContentSlot-Main - Results List


The results of the specified query.

Search Adjustments

SearchAdjustments - Search Adjustments


Displays search adjustments messages such as “Did you mean” or auto-corrections.

Category Page: This page uses the MobilePage template with a user segment of CategoryOnly for the category/location feature, which serves to show only the category page when viewing a category. This organization and the result is shown in the following figure:


This is the same as for the Default Browse Page.


These are the cartridges used in MainContent.


Cartridge Type

Shared Cartridge


Category Products Grid

ProductList-ATGCategoryChildren - Category Products Grid


The child products of the current category

Featured Items

ContentSlot-Main - Featured Items


The items to be displayed as featured items

Side-by-side Comparison

Both CRS-M and the Commerce Reference Store desktop version create default browse and category pages. They use separate, shared instances of the same cartridges to construct the page definitions, as shown in the following figures.

Default Browse Page Configuration

Within the Default Browse Page definition there is a MainContent section that includes a single ContentSlot-Main cartridge instance, called Results List, which renders the products that are appropriate for the shopper’s current navigation state. This Endeca content slot gets its content from the /content/Shared/Results List content collection. The Results List content collection has an item called Default Results List, which is returned for all locations. The Default Results List item gets its contents from a ResultsList cartridge that has been configured with Experience Manager to return a default 12 records per page.

Using Shared Cartridges

The advantage of sharing cartridges across Commerce Reference Store and CRS-M is that the same content is reused. For example, cartridges can be shared for reuse across different channels where the merchandiser wants the same content on both channels for a more consistent cross channel user experience. In the example in the following figure, the Featured Items cartridge in the Shared folder is used both in Commerce Reference Store and CRS-M.


CRS-M uses dimensions to provide search refinement functionality. Dimensions are used to filter search results based on the properties of items in the result set, for example, price, feature, or color. The following illustration shows the search results screen with the “Filter” choices selected.

Category Page

The Category Page displays like simple browse page. However, the browse page data comes from the Endeca MDEX engine, and the category page receives data through an ATG CategoryLookup droplet. You configure this page in Experience Manager by selecting Mobile, Web Browse Pages, Category page, and choosing the “CatalogOnly” user segment.

When the shopper selects the Category Browse button and arrives at the main filter page the system displays the standard text “Filter by:” above all dimension groupings.

See the Commerce Reference Store Overview for more information on the Category Page feature.

Differences between Commerce Reference Store and CRS-M with regard to Search and Dimensions

CRS-M uses the same ResultsList (for search results) and GuidedNavigation cartridges as Commerce Reference Store, and does not modify their behavior, instead providing mobile-specific renderers.

Endeca Guided Navigation - Issues that are unique to mobile

In Commerce Reference Store the guided navigation controls display in the left column of the page and the search results in the right column of the page, while in CRS-M, they are “one behind the other,” meaning that CRS-M is either showing guided navigation or search results, and they toggle back and forth when the user selects “filter” or “done”. In this way, the shopper sees one screen at a time instead of both side by side, but with the data always present. Technically, CRS-M is either displaying guided navigation (SecondaryContent cartridges) or search results (MainContent cartridges).

Mobile JSP renderers for cartridges

The JSP renderers for the cartridges that are used in Commerce Reference Store are located in the store.war directory. The path to each JSP renderer follows this convention:


For example, the path to the Breadcrumbs cartridge renderer is:


Each renderer has its own directory, so that associated content (sub-pages, images, and so on) can be grouped together, making it possible for renderers to be packaged as stand-alone units. When you give each renderer a unique name it makes it easier to distinguish one file from another during various development tasks.

Cartridges unique to mobile

Cartridges that are unique for mobile are:


MobilePage.jsp is the main page template for mobile, the category page, and all of the mobile Endeca-driven pages. This is the page that displays the search result or the guided navigation filter. Other cartridges can be added to this template in Experience Manager.



HorizontalResultsList.jsp renders a results list horizontally inside a touch slider. The slider contains the number of records per page that is specified in the cartridge and provides a left and right arrow, where appropriate, for the user to navigate through pages. This cartridge is currently used in the Style by Zhanna brand landing page to showcase all products for this brand sorted by price descending.



MediaBanner.jsp displays the media image that was specified in the cartridge. It also makes the image a hyperlink, if a URL was specified in the cartridge. This cartridge is currently used in the Style By Zhanna brand landing page to display an ad for the brand along with its logo.



SearchAdjustments.jsp renders corrections and suggestions made to the search term to enhance search results.


This cartridge supports two important features:

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