The home page is divided into two distinct sections, lying between the standard header and footer. Each of these sections slides or scrolls horizontally. The following illustration shows the top 2/3 of the page containing a promotional content item carousel or “slider,” and the remaining 1/3 of the page containing a product carousel or “slider.”

The promotional content items and products have a unique relationship: each promotional content item in the top section of the page has a set of associated products that appear in the carousel below it in the lower section of the page. CRS-M provides several promotional content and product set pairs that are defined by content targeters and use the sample user segments provided by Commerce Reference Store. Specifically, there is a promotional content targeter and a products content group which looks at the profile in the same way. defines the rules for the promotional content. defines the rules for the product content.

If you are not already familiar with content targeters, please see the Personalization Programming Guide. As with all content targeters, those provided by CRS-M can be customized through the Business Control Center.

This illustration is described in the preceding text.

Homepage components

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