The LogoutUser Web service calls the logoutUser method in the underlying atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices implementation. The logoutUser method behaves the same way as the handleLogout method in the ProfileFormHandler (see The ProfileForm Class). Note that logoutUser should be called only in the context of an HTTP request; otherwise an error occurs.

logoutUser invokes the following methods:

  • preLogoutUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest pRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse pResponse)

  • doLogoutUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest pRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse pResponse)

  • postLoginUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest pRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse pResponse)

These methods are similar to the ProfileFormHandler’s preLogoutUser, handleLogout, and postLogoutUser methods.

The logoutUser method acts as follows:

  1. Calls preLogoutUser, which sets up a logout event and revokes the current user’s identity.

  2. Calls doLogoutUser.

  3. Calls postLogoutUser, which fires a logout event and expires the current session if configured to do so. (You can control this behavior through the generateLogoutEvents and expireSessionOnLogout properties in the ProfileServices component.)

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