access rights, Access Control Overview
agent, Commerce Service Center Roles
approval, Providing Approval Authorization
customer profiles, Commerce Service Center Roles
manager level, Commerce Service Center Roles
orders, Commerce Service Center Roles
Ticketing, Commerce Service Center Roles
with roles, Appendix A: Commerce Service Center Access Rights
address, Working with Addresses
copying, Enabling and Disabling Copies
multiple shipping, Working with Shipping Group Page Fragments
sharing, Disabling Address Sharing
shipping group page fragment, Working with Shipping Group Page Fragments
shipping header, Working with Shipping Group Page Fragments
shipping, configuring, Configuring Shipping Addresses
adjustments, Using Order Approvals
exchange calculations, Exchange Calculators
manual price, Configuring Manual Pricing Adjustments
admin database, Database and Schema Requirements
agent, Creating Agent Profiles
-facing lock management, Understanding Lock Management
-facing scenarios, Configuring the Agent-Facing Scenario Managers
-facing server, Commerce Service Center Server Architecture, Agent-Facing Server Configuration
access rights, Commerce Service Center Roles
access to Promotion Browser, Providing Promotions Browser Access
appeasement limits, Modifying Individual Appeasement Limits
approval access, Configuring Order Approval
Click-to-Call environment, Automatic Initialization of the Agent’s Working Environment
configuring default landing page, Customizing the Default Landing Page
database, Database and Schema Requirements
profiles, creating, Creating Agent Profiles
appeasements (see approvals)
Approval Management System, Configuring Order Approval
approvals, Configuring Order Approval
enabling process, Enabling the Order Approval Process
form handlers, Servlet Beans and Form Handlers for Approving Orders
global limits, Setting Global Appeasement Limits
limits, Enabling the Order Approval Process
setting authorization, Providing Approval Authorization
audit logging, Configuring Audit Logging, Viewing Audit Logs
database, Data Collection Overview
auto-suggestions, Initiating an MDEX Catalog Search Request, Implementing Auto-Suggestions


calculators, Pricing in Commerce Service Center
exchange item adjustment, Exchange Calculators
exchange order pricing, Exchange Calculators
order adjustment, Configuring Manual Pricing Adjustments
catalog, Configuring Oracle for SQL Catalog Searching
configuring current, Configuring Current Catalog and Price Lists
configuring default, Defining the Default Catalog
configuring quick access, Specifying Quick Access Catalogs and Price Lists
generating search URL, Content Request URL Droplet Servlet Bean
search, Initiating an MDEX Catalog Search Request
search alternate results, Displaying Alternate Content
search localized results, Using MDEX Engine Resourced Values
search page fragments, UI Page Fragments, Catalog Search Page Fragments
search with auto-suggestions, Initiating an MDEX Catalog Search Request, Implementing Auto-Suggestions
searches with Oracle, Configuring Oracle for SQL Catalog Searching
SQL search, Catalog Search with MDEX Engine Prerequisites
with multisite, Working with Multiple Sites
CIM, Installing and Configuring the Commerce Service Center Server, Installing with the Configuration and Installation Manager
add-ons, Add On Modifications
configuration components, Appendix B: CIM Configuration Components
Click-to-Call, Overview
agents, Automatic Initialization of the Agent’s Working Environment
configuring authentication, Configuring Commerce Service Center Authentication with the Agent Console
creating account, Configuring the Click-to-Call Account
creating links, Adding Agent Phone Numbers, Creating Click-to-Call Links
creating store-facing links, Configuring the Click to Connect Token
CTI, with, Integrating without Live Help On Demand Agent Console
customer-facing store, Configuring Commerce Service Center Pages
default landing page, Default Landing Page
integrating Agent Console, Using Live Help On Demand Agent Console
landing page, Configuring Commerce Service Center Landing Page Components
links, Specifying Links and Pop-Ups, Configuring a Static Link
orphaned sessions, disabling, Disabling the Orphaned Session Service
page instrumentation, Configuring Automatic Page Instrumentation
phone numbers, Adding Agent Phone Numbers
token information, Using a CTI System, Configuring the Click to Connect Token
cloning, Modifying Submitted Orders
core classes, Cloning Core Classes
extended, Extending Objects for Cloning
pipelines, Cloning Pipeline Chains
CSRConfigurator, Programming Commerce Service Center, Using the CSRConfigurator Component
CSREnvironmentTools, Price Lists and Pricing
csrManager role, Commerce Service Center Roles
csrOrders role, Commerce Service Center Roles
csrProfiles role, Commerce Service Center Roles
csrTicketing role, Commerce Service Center Roles
customer profile, Enabling and Disabling Copies
access rights to, Commerce Service Center Roles
and gift lists, Modifying Gift List Forms
and price locale, Setting the Pricing Locale
and scheduled orders, Configuring Price Lists
e-mail configuration, Configuring E-mail Notifications
search, Order and Profile Search Overview
customer-facing, Commerce Service Center Server Architecture
lock management, Understanding Lock Management
scenarios, Configuring the Customer-Facing Scenario Manager
server, Commerce Service Center Server Architecture
store with Click-to-Call, Configuring Commerce Service Center Pages


manual adjustments, Using Order Approvals
multiple sites
and environment objects, EnvironmentTools
enabling, Enabling Multisite


Oracle Commerce Experience Manager (see Oracle Commerce MDEX Engine)
Oracle Commerce MDEX Engine, Configuring Catalog Search
Oracle Commerce Platform Configuration and Installation Manager (see CIM)
orders, Requirements for Commerce Service Center
access rights, Creating a New Agent Profile
and promotions, Submitted Orders
approval rights, Providing Approval Authorization
approvals, enabling, Enabling the Order Approval Process
configuring automatic e-mail, Configuring E-mail Notifications
confirmation e-mail, Configuring Order Confirmation E-Mails
manual adjustments of, Configuring Manual Pricing Adjustments
modifiable, Determining if Orders are Modifiable
modification and fulfillment, Fulfillment Notification for Order Modifications
modifying, Working with Submitted Orders
price adjustments, Using Order Approvals
pricing, Loading Orders and Pricing, Price Lists and Pricing
promotions and exchanges, Applying Promotions to Exchange Orders
scheduled, Working with Scheduled Orders
scheduled, configuring, Customizing Scheduled Orders
scheduled, templates, Configuring Price Lists
submitted, Determining if Orders are Submitted, Submitted Orders, Working with Submitted Orders


page fragments, Working with Shipping Group Page Fragments
catalog search, UI Page Fragments, Catalog Search Page Fragments
default payment group types, Working with Payment Group Page Fragments
example, Working with Shipping Group Page Fragments
gift list, Modifying Gift List Forms
gift with purchase, Gift With Purchase Page Fragments
shipping group configuration, Shipping Group Page Fragments
shipping groups, Working with Payment Group Page Fragments
passwords, e-mailing, Configuring New Passwords
payment group, Shipping Group Page Fragments
cash, Working with Payment Group Page Fragments, Configuring In-Store Pickup, Displaying the Cash Payment Group
credit card, Working with Payment Group Page Fragments
customization, Payment Group Page Fragments
default, Payment Group Page Fragments
form handlers, Shipping and Payment Group Servlet Beans and Form Handlers
gift certificate, Working with Shipping and Payment Groups, Working with Payment Group Page Fragments
limiting amounts of, Limiting Amounts for Payment Groups
pay in store, Working with Payment Group Page Fragments
store credit, Working with Payment Group Page Fragments
payment group types, Customizing a Payment Group Type, Copying Payment Group Types
price lists, Price Lists and Pricing
and site context, Environment Management and Site Context
configuring current, Configuring Current Catalog and Price Lists
configuring default, Defining the Default Price List
configuring quick access, Specifying Quick Access Catalogs and Price Lists
configuring with scheduled orders, Configuring Price Lists
with multisite, Working with Multiple Sites
price overrides, Using Order Approvals
pricing, Pricing in Commerce Service Center
errors, Automatic Removal of Items
locale, Setting the Pricing Locale
manual adjustments, Configuring Manual Pricing Adjustments
promotions, Promotions
scheduled orders, Configuring Price Lists
profiles, Agent-Facing Server Configuration
agent, Creating Agent Profiles
customer, password, Configuring New Passwords
customers, pricing locale, Setting the Pricing Locale
promotions, Promotions
and submitted orders, Submitted Orders
applying item level, Exchange Calculators
gift with purchase, Customizing Gift with Purchase Promotions
viewing, Providing Promotions Browser Access
with exchanges, Applying Promotions to Exchange Orders
Promotions Browser, Providing Promotions Browser Access


Commerce Service Center, Accessing Commerce Service Center
generating catalog search, Content Request URL Droplet Servlet Bean


Webcare (see Click-to-Call)
wish lists, Working with Wish and Gift Lists

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