If your environment is set up to use multiple sites, as described in the Multisite Administration Guide, you can configure the access that an agent has to a site or to a site group. This allows you to create an environment where agents from the same call center can only access site information for which they have authorization.

Note: Although site access is defined in the agent’s profile, it is not dependant on the roles or access rights associated with the profile.

There are two site and site group access levels recognized by Commerce Service Center:

  • Full Access – Allows the agent to view and edit all information. If an agent is given Read-Only access to a site, it is interpreted by Commerce Service Center as Full access

  • No Access – The agent cannot edit or modify any information on this site

Enabling Site Access Control

Site access control, which is configured using the Agent Business Control Center, is set to enable by default using the CSREnvironmentTools.SiteAccessControlOn property. When enabled, the agent’s access to sites will be limited to the access defined in their user profile. To disable the use of site access control, set the SiteAccessControlOn property to disable.

When you enable site access control, agents have access to the sites and site groups that you identified in their profile in the Agent Business Control Center. When agents perform tasks, such as searching for orders or editing customer profiles, the information that they can retrieve or view is limited to the sites to which they have full access.

When an agent initiates a search in Commerce Service Center, the CSREnvironmentMonitor uses the chooseInitialSite method to select the initial site context. By accessing the CSRAgentTools.getAgentAccessibleSites method (which retrieves site access information for the current agent) the system obtains a list of the sites accessible by the agent, which is cross referenced with the sites returned by the default site.

Commerce Service Center’s UI uses the IsSiteAccessibleDroplet to check the getAgentAccessibleSites method to determine if a site is accessible when the agent performs tasks that are limited by site access. If the site is not accessible, it will not be displayed in the UI.

Site Access and Site Groups

Site access is also configurable through site groups. Site groups are a logical grouping of sites that allow you to administer and manage sites that are similar, or to set up sharing between sites. You can add as many sites as necessary to a site group, and sites can be added to multiple site groups. Within Commerce Service Center, setting up site groups allows you to create a shopping cart that is shared within all of the sites within the group. For detailed information on site groups, refer to the Multisite Administration Guide.

Using the Agent Business Control Center, you can set site access based on site groups in the same manner as sites. If an agent has full access to a site group, he has full access to all of the sites within the group, unless specific sites have been explicitly been denied. If an agent has full access to an individual site within a site group, the agent will not have access any other sites within the site group.

The SiteAccessSiteGroupManager retrieves the list of sites and site groups that the agent can access.

Note: When you add registered shareables, such as a shopping cart, to a site group, it is shared with all of the sites within the group. However, a situation can occur where an agent may not have access to all sites within the site group, or to the site group itself. In this instance, an agent may not be able to edit or modify all of the items in a customer’s cart. For additional information on shareables refer to the Multisite Administration Guide.

Site Access and Profile Realms

Site access is also based on profile realms. A profile realm is an organizational group of external user profiles that are associated with one or more sites. A site may be a member of only one profile realm. By default, profile realms are enabled, however, there is only a single profile realm. All sites, by default, are added to this profile realm. For additional information on working with profile realms, refer to the Multisite Administration Guide.

Agents can view all customer profiles when they are provided full access to a site within a profile realm. Even though an agent may not have access to all of the sites within the profile realm, the agent will have access to all of the customer profiles within that realm.

Profile realms are relevant when an agent searches for customers, orders and tickets. The list of profile realms to which an agent has access is identified in the getAgentAccessibleRealmIds method in CRSAgentTools. This method creates a list of profile realm IDs that the agent may access, which is referred to during order, customer and ticket search processes. When an agent searches for a customer profile, Commerce Service Center verifies that the agent has access to the profile realm before any search information is returned.

Setting Site Access

Use the Agent Business Control Center to set site access by performing the following steps:

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