You can create new roles based on the requirements of your agents. For detailed information on viewing and creating roles, refer to the Business Control Center Administration and Development Guide.

Use the Agent BCC to create new rules by performing the following steps:

  1. Open the Agent Server Business Control Center Home page > Access Control page.

  2. Select the Roles button to display both role folders and roles.

  3. Select the location to store the role, or create a new role folder by accessing the + action menu.

  4. Enter the name and description of the new role.

  5. In the Access Rights pane add specific access rights or incorporate the access rights from existing roles by using the Template Role field. All of the access rights associated with this role will appear in the All Access Rights pane.

  6. Click Create to save your changes and create the new role.

Modifying a Copy of an Existing Role

In some situations, you may want to modify an existing role that contains a number of access rights. The quickest way to do this is to use the Dynamo Server Admin to copy the existing role and modify the copy. The following example shows how to copy an existing role and then create an access right for a Summer-only agent who does not have the ability to modify orders or perform scheduled orders, exchanges or returns. For a list of all available access rights, refer to theAppendix A: Commerce Service Center Access Rights

  1. Open the Dynamo Server Admin and select the /atg/userprofiling/
    . Select the Roles component.

  2. To copy one of the roles, use the <print-item> command. The following example shows how you might copy the csrManager role:

    <print-item item-descriptor="role" id="csrManager"/>

    This returns the following:

    <add-item item-descriptor="role" id="csrManager">
      <set-property name="description"><![CDATA[Role for the CSR
      <set-property name="accessRights"><![CDATA[cmcConfirmReturnP,
    <!-- rdonly <set-property name="version"><![CDATA[2]]></set-property> -->
      <set-property name="templateRoles"><![CDATA[csrOrders,csrProfiles]]>
      <set-property name="name"><![CDATA[CSR-Manager]]></set-property>

  3. Copy and paste this into the Run XML Operations Tag field.

  4. Rename the ID, Description and Name. For example, change all references to CSR Manager to CSR Summer.

  5. Remove any access rights you do not want. For example, modify the existing CSRManager role by removing rights for approvals, exchanges, returns and any other rights that the agent should not have. For example:

    <add-item item-descriptor="role" id="csrSummer">
      <set-property name="description"><![CDATA[Role for the CSR
        Summer Staff]]></set-property>
      <set-property name="accessRights"><![CDATA[cmcConfirmReturnP,
    <!-- rdonly <set-property name="version"><![CDATA[2]]></set-property> -->
      <set-property name="templateRoles"><![CDATA[csrOrders,csrProfiles]]>
      <set-property name="name"><![CDATA[CSR-Summer]]></set-property>

  6. Click Enter to add the new role. Once the role is added, you can modify or edit it using the Business Control Center Home page.

  7. Log into the Business Control Center Home page on the Agent Server.

  8. Using the Access Control screen, select the new role.

  9. Make any modifications to the role that you require and add it to the agents’ profile.

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