Note: If your site uses price lists, you must configure the use of price lists as outlined in Defining the Default Price List later in this document.

The following section describes configuration that affects the pricing of scheduled orders when using price lists in combination with scheduled orders. This configuration affects the pricing of scheduled orders when:

  • Pricing a new scheduled order for submission

    This occurs in Core Commerce via the ScheduledOrderService and ScheduledOrderTools components when scheduled orders are automatically created and submitted based on their pre-defined schedules.

  • Pricing a scheduled order template for view in Commerce Service Center

    Scheduled order templates are priced whenever an agent selects one for viewing on the scheduled order view. This ensures that the agent always views the current day pricing when looking at a scheduled order template. The result of this pricing operation is not saved to the repository, and is only temporary for the view.

  • Pricing a new scheduled order instance when the agent clicks Submit Now in Commerce Service Center

    The Submit Now process allows an agent to manually create and submit an order from a scheduled order template.

Working with Scheduled Order Templates

Commerce Service Center always uses the CustomerPricingModels PricingModelHolder for pricing order templates. Scheduled order templates are priced this way to provide the agent with pricing information that reflects the current day pricing. This gives the agent an accurate representation of the order total if an order were to be submitted from the template on that day.

Modifying scheduled order templates also uses clone editing and therefore, pricing changes are not saved to the template unless the post create checkout process is completed for the template.

Scheduled Order Templates are also unique because they are priced before being viewed by an agent. For example, if an agent views the contents of a template in read-only mode before actually selecting the template to work on, the view would reflect current day pricing for the template. However, any pricing changes made for viewing the template are not persisted to the repository; they are only performed to provide the agent with current day pricing in the view.


This Core Commerce component automatically generates and submits scheduled orders based on their pre-defined schedules and contains configuration specific to the pricing of the scheduled orders they have submitted.

The property useOrderPriceListsFirst controls how ScheduledOrderTools determines the correct price lists to use. Set by default to false, the price list assignment is determined by looking at the price lists assigned to the customer profile that owns the scheduled order. Because price list assignments are an optional feature in Core Commerce, if price list assignments are not implemented, the price list will come from the PriceListManager default configuration of defaultPriceList and defaultSalesPricelist. For additional information on Core Commerce price lists, refer to the Using Price Lists section of the Core Commerce Programming Guide.

If ScheduledOrderTools.isUseOrderPriceListsFirst is set to true, it will first attempt to get the price lists by extracting them from the template. Pricing information must be stored with the scheduled order template when it is created to be able to extract price lists from order templates. It may not be possible to extract both price lists from the template. If the items in the order are all on sale, the list price cannot be determined. Conversely, if no items are on sale, the sale price list cannot be determined. If the price list cannot be determined from the template, the price list assignment is obtained from the customer profile that owns the scheduled order. If price list assignments are not implemented, the price list will come from the PriceListManager default configuration of defaultPriceList and defaultSalesPricelist.

If running in a multisite environment, the getPriceListFromSite method determines the price list for the site associated with the order. The useSitePriceLists property retrieves price lists from the site using the scheduled order and defaults to true.

It is important to note that there are situations that may occur when using either of these methods:

  • When a site changes customer price list assignments based on storefront selection, it is possible for an agent to set up a scheduled order based on the current assignments for a customer. If the customer switches storefronts, any new scheduled orders will be priced using the new assignments

  • If the price list on a customer’s profile is updated, and Commerce Service Center has been configured to obtain price lists from the order items first, the change will not be applied to any scheduled orders

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