
List of Examples

List of Figures

List of Tables

Title and Copyright Information


What's New in This Guide

Part I Introduction to Oracle Privileged Account Manager

1 Introduction to Oracle Privileged Account Manager

2 Understanding Oracle Privileged Account Manager Security

Part II Basic Administration

3 Getting Started with Managing Oracle Privileged Account Manager

4 Starting and Using the Oracle Privileged Account Manager Console

5 Configuring and Managing the Servers

6 Working with Targets

7 Working with Service Accounts

8 Configuring and Managing Agents

9 Working with Privileged Accounts

10 Working with Policies

11 Working with Grantees

12 Working with Resource Groups

13 Working with Plug-Ins

14 Working with Self-Service

Part III Monitoring Oracle Privileged Account Manager

15 Working with Reports

16 Managing Oracle Privileged Account Manager Auditing and Logging

Part IV Advanced Administration

17 Performing Advanced Configuration Tasks for Oracle Privileged Account Manager

18 Developing Plug-Ins for Oracle Privileged Account Manager

19 Integrating Oracle Privileged Account Manager with Other Oracle Identity Management Components

20 Troubleshooting Oracle Privileged Account Manager

Part V Appendixes and Glossary

A Working with the Command Line Tool

B Working with Oracle Privileged Account Manager's RESTful Interface

C Working with the SSH Connector

