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Transitioning From Oracle® Solaris 10 to Oracle Solaris 11.3

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Updated: December 2018

Service Management Facility Changes

The following information pertains to Service Management Facility (SMF) changes in Oracle Solaris 11. For information about features that are new in this release, see New Features in This Release in Managing System Services in Oracle Solaris 11.3.

Naming and Directory Services Migration to SMF

Naming and directory services configuration are managed through SMF in this release. The following table describes the various configuration files that have migrated to SMF control. For information about importing legacy naming services configuration to SMF after an installation, see Importing Naming Services Configuration in Configuring and Managing Network Components in Oracle Solaris 11.3.

Table 12  SMF Service to Legacy File Mapping
SMF Service
Naming service switch configuration (used by the nscd command)
Naming service cache (nscd)
Not applicable
Naming legacy file to SMF upgrade service
DNS naming service
svc:/network/dns/multicast:default .
Not applicable
Multicast DNS (mdnsd)
LDAP client naming service (ldap_cachemgr and related files)
Stand-alone OpenLDAP configuration (slapd)
/etc/defaultdomain /var/yp/binding/$DOMAIN/*
Shared NIS domain configuration (used by all NIS services). Also historical shared use by LDAP naming services

Note -  Must be enabled when using nis/client or ldap/client.

Not applicable
NIS client naming service (ypbind and related files)
Not applicable
NIS server naming service (ypserv)
Not applicable
NIS server passwd service (rpc.yppasswdd)
Not applicable
NIS server transfer naming service (ypxfrd)
Not applicable
NIS server update naming service (rpc.ypupdated)

SMF Administrative Changes

Information for recording the source of properties, property groups, instances, and services has been added to the SMF repository. This information enables you to determine which settings are administrative customizations and those that are delivered by a service manifest or profile. The different settings, by administrator, profile, or manifest, are captured in layers. See Repository Layers in Managing System Services in Oracle Solaris 11.3.

You can use the svcprop and svccfg listprop commands to display the layer that is the source of a property value. If you use the –l option with either command, you must include an argument to specify the layer for which you want information. If you specify the –l option with the all argument, the output indicates whether a specific property value was set in the service manifest, a profile, or by an administrator. if you specify the admin or some other argument with the –loption, just the changes that were made in that layer are shown. For more information, see Showing the Layer Where a Value Is Set in Managing System Services in Oracle Solaris 11.3.

If you do not specify the –l option with the svcprop and svccfg listprop commands, the values that are currently in use are displayed. These values might come from a manifest, a profile, or an administrative change.

You can use the svccfg listcust command to list customizations only. Customizations are values that are set in the administrative layer by using the svccfg setprop command. See Showing Configuration Customizations in Managing System Services in Oracle Solaris 11.3.

Services and instances that are delivered in standard locations, such as /lib/svc/manifest and /etc/svc/profile, are imported into the SMF database by the manifest-import SMF service. To completely remove these services from the system, you must uninstall the package that delivers the supporting files. This change triggers the removal of the service or instance from the system. If the delivering files are not managed by a package, then removing the file and restarting the manifest-import service removes the services or instances that are delivered from the system entirely.

If you cannot remove the files or you do not want the service or instance to run on the system, and disabling the service or instance is not an option, you can use the svccfg delete command, which is considered an administrative customization to the way the system is currently installed when the delivering files are still present in standard locations.

Note -  The svccfg delete command does not delete the service. The command only hides the service from other SMF consumers.

To remove any administrative customizations, including customizations that you made with the svccfg delete command, and return to the configuration that is specified by the manifests and profiles, use the svccfg delcust command with care. This command removes administrative customizations from the service, thereby returning the repository to the on-disk configuration for that service. You can also specify an argument with the svccfg delcust command to just delete certain customizations. In this case, the service would not be restored to its on-disk configuration. See the svccfg(1M) man page for more details.

SMF Manifest Creation Tool

You can use the svcbundle command to generate SMF manifests. You can also use the command to generate profiles by specifying the bundle-type option. The generated bundle is defined by multiple –s name=value options. Some examples of name arguments include bundle-type, instance-name, service-name, and start-method. To generate a manifest, you must specify a service-name and start-method. The svcbundle command uses default values for some service characteristics. You can edit the generated manifest. Follow the DTD that is specified at the top of the manifest.

For detailed instructions, see Developing System Services in Oracle Solaris 11.3 and the svcbundle(1M) man page.