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Transitioning From Oracle® Solaris 10 to Oracle Solaris 11.3

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Updated: December 2018

Oracle Solaris Man Page Changes

The following man page features are new or have changed:

  • Locating information in man pages – This release has the capability of searching man pages with query strings by using the man -K keywords command. The –K (uppercase) option works similarly to the –k (lowercase) option, with the exception that the –k option is limited to searching only the NAME subsection of all of the man page sections.

    The –k and –K options uses index files for searching. The svc:/application/man-index:default SMF service triggers the automatic regeneration of new index files whenever new man pages are added to the /usr/share/man and /usr/gnu/share/man directories, if these directories exist. This service is enabled by default.

  • Package Name Change – The SUNWman package that previously contained the Oracle Solaris man pages has changed to the smaller system/manual package. The bulk of the man pages are packaged separately with their component technology packages. For example, ls.1m for the /usr/bin/ls command, is part of the system/core-os package.

  • Man Page Display – By default, man pages are installed on your Oracle Solaris system. If man pages on not displaying on your system, check whether the default value is set to True as follows:

    $ pkg facet -a facet.doc.man
    facet.doc.man True system

    Change the setting to True as follows

    $ pkg change-facet facet.doc.man=True

    If you do not want man pages to display on your system, you can toggle the default setting to False as follows:

    $ pkg change-facet facet.doc.man=False

    Note -  Changing the default setting from True to False removes all of the man pages from the system and creates a backup BE. The backup BE still has man pages, but the newly created BE does not.