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Transitioning From Oracle® Solaris 10 to Oracle Solaris 11.3

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Updated: December 2018

System Configuration Tools Changes

One option for reconfiguring your system's settings is the sysconfig utility (also called the System Configuration Interactive (SCI) Tool). The SCI tool supports the configuration of freshly installed or unconfigured systems and is designed to provide system configuration for newly created non-global zones during text installations. You can use the SCI tool interactively or non-interactively.

There are three operations that you can perform with the sysconfig utility: unconfiguration, configuration, and profile creation. You use the unconfigure subcommand to unconfigure an entire system. This command leaves the system in a completely unconfigured state.

    Use the configure subcommand to reconfigure the existing settings for any of the following functional groupings:

  • date_time

  • identity

  • keyboard

  • location

  • naming_services

  • network

  • support

  • system

  • users

For example, you would reconfigure all of the system's existing network settings as follows:

# sysconfig configure -g network

Use the following command to reconfigure a system's existing naming services:

# sysconfig configure -g network,naming_services

The –g option specifies which functional grouping to reconfigure.

You can also reconfigure an Oracle Solaris instance by specifying an existing configuration XML profile, as shown in this example:

# sysconfig configure -c profile-name.xml

If you do not specify an existing configuration profile prior to an installation, the SCI tool launches during the installation process. The SCI tool enables you to provide specific configuration information for that Oracle Solaris instance. The SCI tool consists of a series of interactive panels that enable you to provide configuration information as part of a text installation. You can also run the tool on an installed Oracle Solaris system to create a new system configuration profile that is based on specifications that you provide.

Start the SCI tool from the command line as follows:

# sysconfig configure

See sysconfig(1M) and Chapter 6, Unconfiguring or Reconfiguring an Oracle Solaris Instance in Installing Oracle Solaris 11.3 Systems.