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Oracle® Solaris Cluster 4.3 Geographic Edition System Administration Guide

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Updated: June 2017

Heartbeat Plug-in Properties

The following table describes the heartbeat plug-in properties that the Geographic Edition framework defines. To find out how to modify heartbeat plug-in properties, see How to Modify the Properties of a Heartbeat Plug-in.

Table 10  Geographic Edition Heartbeat Plug-in Properties
Plugin_properties (string)
Specifies a property string specific to the plug-in.
Tuning recommendations: The value of this property is assigned at creation and can be tuned at runtime.
Category: Optional
Default: None except for heartbeats that use the default heartbeat plug-ins, tcp_udp_plugin and ping-plugin.
For the tcp_udp_plugin plug-in, the format of this string is predefined as remote-IP-address/UDP/2084/ipsec, remote-IP-address/TCP/2084/ipsec. The remote-IP-address argument specifies the IP address of the partner cluster. The optional ipsec argument specifies whether the plug-in uses IPsec with a Boolean value of true or false.
For the ping-plugin, the format of this string is predefined as remote-IP-address, where remote-IP-address specifies the IP address of the partner cluster.
Query_cmd (string)
Specifies the path to the heartbeat status request command.
Tuning recommendations: The value of this property is assigned at creation and can be tuned at runtime.
Category: Required property if the plug-in does not specify a predefined plug-in.
Default: None
Requester_agent (string)
Specifies the absolute path to the requester agent.
Tuning recommendations: The value of this property is assigned at creation and can be tuned at runtime. However, the Requester_agent property of the default plug-in should never need to be tuned except for testing purposes.
Category: Optional
Default: None
Responder_agent (string)
Specifies the absolute path to the responder agent.
Tuning recommendations: The value is assigned at creation and can be tuned at runtime. However, the Responder_agent property of the default plug-in should never need to be tuned except for testing purposes.
Category: Optional
Default: None
Type (enum)
Designates the type of plug-in. Set to either Primary or Backup.
Tuning recommendations: The value of this property is assigned at creation and can be tuned at runtime.
Category: Required
Default: None, except for the default heartbeat that is named ping_plugin. If using this plug-in, the default value is backup.