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Oracle® Solaris Cluster 4.3 Geographic Edition System Administration Guide

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Updated: June 2017

Activating a Protection Group

This section provides the following guidelines and instructions to activate a protection group.

Creating a Protection Group Without Starting Replication

If you specify the –n option in the geopg start command, the command prevents the start of replication when the protection group starts.

If you omit the –n option from the geopg start command, the replication subsystem starts at the same time as the protection group. The following data replication products have additional behaviors:

  • Availability Suite – The data replication subsystem starts at the same time as the protection group and the geopg start command performs the following operations on each device group in the protection group:

    • Verifies that the role configured for the replication resource is the same as the role of the protection group on the local cluster.

    • Verifies that the role of the volume sets associated with the device group is the same as the role of the protection group on the local cluster.

    • If the role of the protection group on the local cluster is Secondary, unmounts the local volumes defined in all volume sets associated with the device group.

    • If the role of the protection group on the local cluster is Primary, enables the autosynchronization feature of the Availability Suite remote mirror feature. Also, resynchronizes the volume sets associated with the device group.

  • MySQL – The geopg start command performs the following actions if the role of the protection group is secondary on the local cluster:

    • Starts the MySQL slave threads

    • Prevents modification by an unprivileged database user if this option is configured

    • Prepares the my.cnf file to start the database with modifications prevented for an unprivileged database user if this option is configured

  • Oracle Data Guard – The geopg start command performs the following operations on each Oracle Data Guard Broker configuration in the protection group:

    • Verifies that the resource group that is named in the local_oracle_svr_rg_name property contains a resource of type SUNW.scalable_rac_server_proxy for a scalable resource group or a resource of type SUNW.oracle_server for a failover resource group.

    • Verifies that the Oracle Data Guard dgmgrl command can connect using the values that are given for sysdba_username, sysdba_password, and local_db_service_name. Or if the sysdba_username and sysdba_password properties are null, verifies that the dgmgrl command can connect using the Oracle wallet connection format, dgmgrl /@local-db-service-name.

    • Verifies that the role configured for the replication resource is the same as the role of the protection group on the local cluster.

    • Verifies that the Oracle Data Guard Broker configuration details match those that are held by Geographic Edition. The details to check include which cluster is primary, the configuration name, the database mode (for both the primary and standby clusters), the replication mode, the standby type, that FAST_START FAILOVER is disabled, and that BystandersFollowRoleChange is equal to NONE.

Bringing Resource Groups Online

The geopg start command uses the clresourcegroup online -eM resource-group-list command to bring resource groups and resources online. For more information about using this command, see the clresourcegroup(1CL) man page.

If the role of the protection group is Primary on the local cluster, the geopg start command brings the application resource groups in the protection group online on the local cluster. For Oracle Data Guard, this includes the shadow Oracle database server resource groups.

For the following data replication products, the geopg start command performs additional operations:

Availability Suite
  • If the application resource group is a failover type resource group that shares affinities with a device group in the same protection group, the command adds strong positive affinities and failover delegation between the application resource group and the lightweight resource group.

    The application resource group must not have strong, positive affinities with failover delegation. Otherwise, the attempt to add strong positive affinities with failover delegation with the lightweight resource group will fail.

  • The command creates strong dependencies between the HAStoragePlus resource in the application resource group and the HAStoragePlus resource in the lightweight resource group for this device group.

  • Prepares the my.cnf file to start the database without the slave threads

  • Brings online the application resource groups in the protection group on the local cluster

How to Activate a Protection Group

This procedure activates, or starts, the protection group on the primary and secondary clusters, depending on the scope of the command. When you activate a protection group on the primary cluster, its application resource groups are also brought online.

Note -  You can also accomplish this procedure by using the Oracle Solaris Cluster Manager browser interface. Click Partnerships, click the partnership name to go to its page, highlight the protection group name, and click Start Protection Group. For Oracle Solaris Cluster Manager log-in instructions, see How to Access Oracle Solaris Cluster Manager in Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.3 System Administration Guide.

Before You Begin

  1. Assume the root role or a role that is assigned the Geo Management rights profile.
  2. Activate the protection group.
    phys-node-n# geopg start -e scope [-n] protection-group-name
    –e scope

    Specifies the scope of the command.

    If the scope is local, then the command operates on the local cluster only. If the scope is global, the command operates on both clusters that deploy the protection group.

    Note -  The property values global and local are not case sensitive.

    Prevents the start of replication at protection group startup.

    If you omit this option, the replication subsystem starts at the same time as the protection group. See Activating a Protection Group for information about data replication products with additional behaviors when replication is not started.


    Specifies the name of the protection group.

Example 18  Globally Activating a Protection Group

This example globally activates a protection group.

phys-paris-1# geopg start -e global sales-pg
Example 19  Locally Activating a Protection Group

This example activates a protection group on a local cluster only. This local cluster might be a primary cluster or a standby cluster, depending on the role of the cluster.

phys-paris-1 geopg start -e local sales-pg


If the command fails, the Configuration status might be set to Error depending on the cause of the failure. The protection group remains deactivated but data replication might be started and some resource groups might be brought online. Run the geoadm status command or Oracle Solaris Cluster Manager to obtain the status of your system.

If the Configuration status is set to Error, revalidate the protection group by using the procedures that are described in How to Validate a Protection Group in Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.3 Geographic Edition Installation and Configuration Guide.