Sun Ethernet Fabric Operating System MLDS Administration Guide

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Updated: July 2015

Enable Query Transmission on Topology Change

The function that transmits MLD queries only when the topology changes is disabled by default.

  1. Specify that MLD general queries should be transmitted when any change occurs in the network topology.
    SEFOS(config)# configure terminal
    SEFOS(config)# ipv6 mld snooping send-query enable
    SEFOS(config)# end
  2. Ensure that general queries will be transmitted when a change occurs in the network topology.
    SEFOS# show ipv6 mld snooping globals
    Snooping Configuration
      MLD Snooping globally enabled
      MLD Snooping is operationally enabled
      Transmit Query on Topology Change globally enabled
      Multicast forwarding mode is MAC based
      Proxy reporting globally enabled
      Router port purge interval is 125 seconds
      Port purge interval is 260 seconds
      Report forward interval is 5 seconds
      Group specific query interval is 2 seconds
      Reports are forwarded on router ports
      Group specific query retry count is 2