Oracle® VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide

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Updated: October 2015


configuring on Oracle Solaris 10 systemindex iconConfiguring NAT on an Oracle Solaris 10 System
configuring on Oracle Solaris 11 systemindex iconConfiguring NAT on an Oracle Solaris 11 System
configuring virtual switch and service domainindex iconConfiguring a Virtual Switch and the Service Domain for NAT and Routing
network booting
I/O domain by using an Ethernet SR-IOV virtual functionsindex iconBooting an I/O Domain by Using an SR-IOV Virtual Function
network configuration
Ethernet SR-IOVindex iconAdvanced Network Configuration for Virtual Functions
network device configurations
viewingindex iconViewing Network Device Configurations and Statistics
network device statistics
viewingindex iconViewing Network Device Configurations and Statistics
network devices
network bandwidth limit, settingindex iconControlling the Amount of Physical Network Bandwidth That Is Consumed by a Virtual Network Device
usingindex iconUsing Network Adapters With Domains That Run Oracle Solaris 10
network interface nameindex iconVirtual Device Identifier and Network Interface Name
findingindex iconHow to Find the Oracle Solaris OS Network Interface Name
NIU hybrid I/O
disablingindex iconHow to Enable or Disable Hybrid Mode
enablingindex iconHow to Enable or Disable Hybrid Mode
usingindex iconUsing NIU Hybrid I/O
non-interactive domain migrationindex iconMigrating a Guest Domain
non-physically bound resources
removingindex iconHow to Remove All Non-Physically Bound Resources
non-primary root domain
restrictionsindex iconNon-primary Root Domain Requirements
non-primary root domainsindex iconNon-primary Root Domains Overview
assigning a PCIe endpoint deviceindex iconNon-primary Root Domains Overview
assigning a PCIe SR-IOV virtual functionindex iconNon-primary Root Domains Overview
limitationsindex iconNon-primary Root Domain Limitations
managing direct I/O devicesindex iconManaging Direct I/O Devices on Non-primary Root Domains
managing SR-IOV virtual functionsindex iconManaging SR-IOV Virtual Functions on Non-primary Root Domains
overviewindex iconNon-primary Root Domains Overview