Internationalizing a web page requires more than providing text in the language spoken by your target audience.

It also requires that your application be configured to manage the text properly -- for example, by recognizing the inflected variants of a word as equivalent to each other; by breaking up compound words so that searches may be done on their individual parts; by ignoring words (such as "the", "and", "or") that have little or no meaning for searches; by providing a thesaurus of words that will be treated as synonyms by searches, and so on. This guide describes how to modify your application in ways such as these to manage the language or languages spoken by your targeted customers.

This guide also provides information that will help you decide whether to use a single MDEX Engine and Oracle Commerce Guided Search application for all the languages that you need to support, or to use a separate MDEX Engine and application for each language; see How Many MDEX Engines Do I Need?.

For information about the parts of your Oracle Commerce Guide Search application that can or must be modified for internationalization, see Table of Components that Require Internationalization.

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