To map source record properties in different languages to Endeca dimensions or properties, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the properties of your source database record that exist in more than one language. For example, the same set of logically related properties can exist in corresponding English and French versions, as follows:

  2. Decide whether each source database property should be mapped to an Endeca dimension or an Endeca property. Endeca dimensions refer to general categories of products and services, providing the logical structure needed for guided navigation and record searches. Endeca properties provide descriptions of particular products or services; your application can display these descriptions when the user accesses the records to which they apply. For more information about Endeca records, dimensions, and properties, refer to the Oracle Commerce Guided Search Concepts Guide.

    Note: For best results from Experience Manager and the boost/bury feature, dimension names should be NCN-compliant.

  3. Use the Oracle Commerce Developer Studio to create dimensions and their dimension values, and map the dimensions and dimension values to the appropriate properties of your source database records. For example, create two dimensions, Books and Livres, and map the other, more specific, source database record properties to values of these dimensions, as follows:

  4. Create Endeca properties and map them to the appropriate properties of your source database record.

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