Drinks dispenser parameter

The program description deals with the following:

Remarks on program function

The parameters of a drinks dispenser (GSA) are defined in this program if the unit is used for self-service and if it is not physically connected up to a POS terminal (virtual).


Remarks on data fields

The following description deals with all available options for update of this basic data.

As with nearly all programs the following also applies here:


Entry range permitted: numeric 1 - 9999

Number of the company for which the dispenser parameters are to be defined.


Entry range permitted: numeric 1 - 9999

Number of the branch for which the dispenser parameters are to be defined.

POS terminal

Entry range permitted: numeric 1 - 999999

Number of the virtual POS terminal to which the dispenser to be parametered is "connected".


Entry range permitted: numeric 1 - 9999

Number of the installation to which the dispenser is linked. The installation is updated with program Installation.

Processing unit

Entry range permitted: numeric 1 - 9999

Number of the processing unit to which the dispenser is linked. The processing units are updated with program Processing unit.

Device no.

Entry range permitted: numeric 1 - 9999

Device no. under which the dispenser is programmed. The devices are updated with program Devices.

Device article group

Entry range permitted: numeric 1 - 99

Number of the device group linked to the dispenser. The device group is updated with program Device group.


Operator drinks dispenser

Entry range permitted: numeric 1 - 99999999

A default operator no. should be entered in this field. Recordings are made under this number if the drinks dispenser sends an invalid operator no., i.e. the system does not recognise the article no..

The MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application allows you to program an operator/waiter under two operator nos.; under the normal number and under a number as Drinks dispenser waiter (pen no.). These two numbers are linked with program Operator. If the link does not exist, an invalid operator no. (pen no.) will be transferred from a recording on the drinks dispenser. The system does not recognise the recording. In such a case, the recording is stored under the default number.

Operator drinks dispenser credit

This parameter does not apply at present.

Table drinks dispenser

Entry range permitted: numeric 1 - 99999999

Enter the default table no. to be used for recordings if the drinks dispenser transfers an invalid table no. to the POS terminal or if the waiter is not allowed to serve at that particular table.


Article drinks dispenser

Entry range permitted: decimal total max. 14 pos. no decimal places

Enter a default article no. to which recordings are to be made if the drinks dispenser transfers an invalid article no. to the POS terminal, i.e. the system does not recognise the article no..

Articles can have varying article nos. as described under Device group. If the links do not exist, the system cannot interpret the article no. transferred by the drinks dispenser. The recording is then made to the default article no..


Profit centre divisor

Entry range permitted: numeric 0 - 10000

This parameter is explained under PCDivisor.


MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin