Text Item

The program description deals with the following:

Remarks on program function

The data for the text section of print formats can be updated, i.e. created, changed or deleted, with this program. Data which has already been stored can be displayed.

All elements which can be printed on receipt or form are regarded as text items. These text items can include simple texts, translated texts (from UiText) or data. Text items are marked as section type text section in the Print section of a Print form.

 Click on the graphic for further help with setting up the Print form group.

Remarks on data fields

The following details all options available for update of the basic data.

The following applies to this program:

Print form group

Entry range permitted: numeric 1 - 9999

The number of the print form group is shown in this field. The print form groups 1 and 2 are reserved for the print form groups delivered with MICROS Retail OSCAR POS Version 3.5.

".asc files" for two print form groups are delivered as a standard; one for receipt and one for form print. Print form group "1 Default receipt" is for receipt print control and print form group "2 Default Form" for form print control.

Before these print form groups can be used the database tables must have been filled with information for the print control from the *.asc files.

This is done with the following commands in directory "work":

·        oscar init PrintForm

·        oscar init PrintFormGrp

·        oscar init PrintCond

·        oscar init PrintSection

·        oscar init TextItem

Print form

Entry range permitted: numeric 1 - 9999

Number of the print form under which this template is stored in the database.

Print section

Entry range permitted: numeric 1 - 9999

Number of the Print section to which this text item is linked.


Text item

Entry range permitted: numeric 1 - 9999

Number of the text item under which this is stored in the database.



Field with firmly defined selection options

The following text types can be linked to a text item:

Text data

Entry range permitted: alphanumeric max. 100 pos.

This field contains plain text, the field name of the translated text or the field name for data of a database table, depending on the type of text.



Entry range permitted: numeric 0 - 999

The entry in this field defines the row as from which the current print item is to be printed on receipt or form.



Entry range permitted: numeric 0 - 999

The entry in this field defines the row in this text item in which this text item is to be printed on receipt or form. Please note the entry in the "Field pair", which defines the link to a text item to the left of this item.


Entry range permitted: numeric 0 - 999

Width of text item.


Field with firmly defined selection options

The alignment of a text item in the text section of a print line on receipt or form is defined in this field.


The following alignment options are offered:


Additional information on the print forms of type "Text section" can be found in the documentation Print form (text section).



Entry range permitted: numeric 0 - 999



Field with firmly defined selection options

The orientation of the text item in a text item on receipt or form is defined in this field.


The following options are offered:




Entry range permitted: numeric 0 - 99

The format for this text item is defined in this field


The following formats are offered:




Form type

Entry range permitted: numeric 0 - 99

This field defines the format type which depends on the selected format for this text item (e.g. for format "Date" = DD.MM.YYYY, DD.MM.YY, DDMMYYYY).


Form Mask

Entry range permitted: alphanumeric max. 32 pos.

If format "Free" has been  assigned to the text item, the mask for this form is defined in this field.


Decimal digits

Entry range permitted: numeric 0 - 9

This field defines the number of decimal digits for this text item.



Button active: Bold print applies to this text item.
Button deactivated: No bold print applies to this text item.


Button active: Italic print applies to this text item
Button deactivated: No italic print applies to this text item


Double Wide

Button active: This text item is printed out double wide.
Button deactivated: This text item is not printed out double wide


Double Height

Button active: This text item is printed out double high.
Button deactivated: This text item is not printed out double high



Button active: Leading blanks of this text item are not printed
Button deactivated: Leading blanks of this text item are printed

Seven positions to the left of the decimal point are reserved for the text item of the article prices. If option "Transparent" is set for this text item, the lead positions which are not used, e.g. for print of article designation, are not printed.



Field with firmly defined selection options

Select the colour for print of this text item.


Field pair

Entry range permitted: numeric 1 - 9999

The number of the left-hand field part for this text item is entered in this field.



Entry range permitted: alphanumeric max. 20 pos.

If this text item matches the text type "Translated", the name of the form must be entered in this field.


Text table

Field with firmly defined selection options

If text type "Translated" is linked to this text item, the user must select the name of the text table in which the text to be printed is stored for this text item. Texts are stored in the database tables System -> User interface -> Form text (= UiText) and System -> User interface -> Database text (DbText).



MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin