The automated MICROS Retail OSCAR POS Order System

Apart from the internal and the "manual" order (= incoming goods), the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application offers the following options for the automated order system:

Order Suggestion according to the Quantity in Stock

In the following, the functionality of the automated order suggestion according to the quantity in stock will be described:

At first, the automated order procedure will be described in general. The description serves the quick orientation. You will be informed about which programs are directly related to the order system and in which successive order programs have to be run.

In a second step, the Requirements that have to be met to run the automated order system will be listed. Also the Parameters will be described (which do not have to be activated but have effects on the order system if activated). Further on, you will find a Procedure described in Detail.

General Description

Requirements/Parameter Settings

Detailed Description of the automated MICROS Retail OSCAR POS Order System

Program Stock Item

Program Pre Order

Program Order

Program Delivery

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin