
The following program description deals with:

Remarks on the Program Function

By use of this program you can maintain the basic data of the suppliers in the system, i.e., insert new records, edit and delete the existing ones. You can also display the data on the screen for enquiry only.

With this program, the suppliers are only created and maintained. The assignment of items to the suppliers is performed using the program Supplier Item.


Remarks on the Input Fields

This paragraph will provide a short overview over the options available for updating these Basic Data.

Just like in almost any other program:


Permitted input range: numeric, 1 - 9999

Enter the number of the company to which the supplier is assigned in the system.

If you do not know the number, you can also select the data record via the Search Function.

Supplier No.

Permitted input range: numeric, 1 - 999999

To add a new record, enter an unused number in the Key Fields. The number has to be unique in the system.

For changes or deletions, the records can be retrieved by entering the numbers in the key fields. If you do not know the numbers, you can also select the data record via the Search Function.

Type of Operating

Permitted input range: alphanumeric, max. 8 characters

You can assign the supplier to a type of operation or business, e.g. Retail. A short description for the type can be entered here. The description of the text is arbitrary. A record for the operation type is created through this assignment.

This value is used as a selection criterion for looking up suppliers in the system.

Group of Operating

Permitted input range: alphanumeric, max. 32 characters

The supplier can be assigned to a business/operation group, e.g. Fruit. A short description for the type can be entered here. The description of the text is arbitrary. A record for the operation group is created through this assignment.

This value is used as a selection criterion for looking up suppliers in the system.


Permitted input range: alphanumeric, max. 32 characters

Enter the name of the supplier which is to be stored in the system.

Addr. of the Contact

Permitted input range: alphanumeric, max. 32 characters

Enter the name of the contact.


Permitted input range: alphanumeric, max. 16 characters

Enter the telephone number.

Further Supplier Ident.

Permitted input range: numeric, 0 - 99999999

The additional supplier number serves as an identification of the supplier, if he is also operating outside the country.

Payment type

Permitted input range: numeric, 1 - 999

Enter the number of the payment type with which the invoices are to be settled with the supplier. If you do not know the number, you can also select the data record via the Search Function. As soon as the number is entered, the currency symbol appears on the right-hand side (from window Payment type).

The numbers are maintained in the program Payment Type.

Customer No.

Permitted input range: alphanumeric, max. 20 characters

This is your reference number given and used by the supplier for deliveries.

% Warning

Permitted input range: decimal, max. 5 digits incl. max. 2 decimal places

If the price is entered from an incoming goods recording or from a delivery, the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application provides a warning if the price differs by the percentage entered in this field.

Mail text order

Permitted input range: numeric, 1 - 9999

Select the number of the e-mail text which is to be used as standard text in the supplier order. If you do not know the number, the data record can be selected with the Search function.

Texts for e-mail orders are updated in program Text block. For orders to subsuppliers via e-mail the option Order by mail must have been activated in program Sub-Supplier and a valid e-mail address must be entered in the address data of the subsupplier.

Click on the graphic for further help with Order by mail.

Order interval

Permitted input range: numeric, 1 - 9999

This field is required for a sales-based order suggestion.

Enter a value in this field to define the time interval in days for the order to this supplier.

Please note that in program Stock item an Order interval can also be defined. This always has priority over the entry in Supplier.

Click on the graphic for further help with "Sales-based order suggestion".

Min. order value

Permitted input range: decimal, max. 11 digits including max. 3 decimal places

Enter a value in this field to determine the amount of the least possible order value for this supplier. If the order value is below this value, the order can not be confirmed.

Pick up

Button activated: Goods should be picked up
Button deactivated: Goods are delivered.

Inclusive VAT

Button activated: The prices of the supplier item of this supplier include VAT (gross price).
Button deactivated: The prices of the supplier item of this supplier do not include VAT.

Exclusive VAT

Button activated: Prices of the supplier items of this supplier do not include VAT (net price).
Button deactivated: The prices of supplier items of this supplier include VAT.

Confirm order

Button activated:  Confirm order can be created for supplier orders for this supplier.
Button deactivated: Confirm order cannot be created for supplier orders for this supplier.

Confirm orders for a supplier can only be created on the basis of an Order recorded in the system. The item positions of suppliers can be changed in Confirm order to allow them to be included during Goods in.

Main supplier

Button activated: This supplier is a main supplier and has sub-suppliers linked.
Button deactivated: This supplier has no linked sub-suppliers.

As a result of link of sub-supplier to a main supplier in program Sub-supplier, the user can define where the supplier order is to be delivered to for an Order. It is sensible to create this link if the item of a supra-regional main supplier is to be ordered from a local sub-supplier.

Order by mail

Button activated:. This supplier order is sent out via e-mail.
Button deactivated: This supplier order is printed.

This option can only be activated if a valid e-mail address has been entered in E-mail.

Click on the graphic for further help with Order by mail.

Mail by XML

Button activated:. This supplier order is done by e-mail with an order in XML format.
Button deactivated: This supplier order will be printed.

In this type of supplier order the order is not sent as an enclosure but as an e-mail text in XML format. The text of this e-mail has a similar format to XML. The positions of a supplier order are included in the XML day.


XML format of a supplier order:

<Bill_to_Customer Number="Number_1">                   = Customer number

<Order_Date>1999-09-09</Order_Date>                  = Order date

<Shipment_Date>1999-09-09</Shipment_Date>         = Delivery date

<Line Line_Type="blank">                                           = Always “Item”

<Number>Number_2</Number>                                 = The supplier item number

<Description>Description_2</Description>                   = The supplier item description

<Quantity>1.0</Quantity>                                            = The quantity

<Unit_of_Measure>Unit_of_Me</Unit_of_Measure>   = The Short descr. of quantity unit

Order by BizTalk server

Button activated:. This supplier order is sent by BizTalk server.
Button deactivated: This supplier order is not sent via BizTalk server..

The prerequisite for the supplier order via BizTalk server is that the appropriate parameter has been set in the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS program and a connection to a BizTalk server exists.

Click on the graphic for further help with order by BizTalk Server.


Permitted input range: decimal, max. 5 digits including max. 2 decimal places

If a discount is given by the supplier, enter the respective percentage value.

From turnover up

Permitted input range: decimal, max. 13 digits incl. max. 3 decimal places

If granting a discount is dependent on a specific amount, enter the appropriate value here.

Days to pay after Deliv.

Permitted input range: numeric, 0 - 999

This is the maximum allowable number of days allowed between the delivery and the payment.

Return after Deliv.

Permitted input range: numeric, 0 - 999

This is the maximum allowable number of days allowed between the delivery and return.

1st Freight Costs

Permitted input range: decimal, max. 11 digits including max. 3 decimal places

These are the freight costs if the total amount of the delivery is less than the value entered in the next field.

To Value

Permitted input range: decimal, max. 13 digits including max. 3 decimal places

The freight costs in the previous field will apply if the total amount of the delivery is less than the value entered here.

2nd Freight Costs

Permitted input range: decimal, max. 11 digits including max. 3 decimal places

These are the freight costs if the total amount of the delivery is less than the value entered in the next field.

To Value

Permitted input range: decimal, max. 13 digits including max. 3 decimal places

If the total value of delivery is more than the 1st To Value, but below the value entered here, the second freight costs will apply.

Pick up Costs

Permitted input range: decimal, max. 11 digits including max. 3 decimal places

If the goods are to be picked up and not to be delivered, the value of the pick up costs is to be entered here.

Address 1

Permitted input range: alphanumeric, max. 32 characters

This entry is the first address line of the supplier, e.g. street name and house number. The sequence of entry in the 3 address lines is arbitrary. They are for information only.

Address 2

Permitted input range: alphanumeric, max. 32 characters

This entry is the second address line of the supplier, e.g. P.O. box number. The sequence of entry in the 3 address lines is arbitrary. They are for information only.

Address 3

Permitted input range: alphanumeric, max. 32 characters

This entry is the third address line of the supplier, e.g. postal code and city. The sequence of entry in the 3 address lines is arbitrary. They are for information only.


Permitted input range: alphanumeric, max. 16 characters

Enter the fax number.


Permitted input range: alphanumeric, max. 32 characters

Enter the eMail address. An e-mail address must be entered if the option "Order by Mail" is to be used.

Click on the graphic for further help with Order by mail.


Permitted input range: alphanumeric, max. 16 characters

Enter the modem number.

Bank No.

Permitted input range: alphanumeric, max. 10 characters

The bank number of the supplier is entered here.

Account No.

Permitted input range: alphanumeric, max. 16 characters

The account number of the supplier is to be entered here.


Permitted input range: alphanumeric, max. 20 characters

This is the name of the bank.


MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin