Pre Order

The following program description deals with:

Remarks on the Program Function

By use of this program you can maintain the basic data of the Pre Order header information in the system, i.e. insert new orders, edit and delete the existing ones. You can display the data on the screen for enquiry only.

The MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application System allows the preparation of an order before the actual Ordering Procedure. You can define which items are to be ordered and checked, which supplier can deliver cheapest and fastest, etc.

Please note that a pre order can be carried out as per a variety of criteria – depending on the setting of certain program parameters.

  1. Automatic pre-order using the stock
  2. Automatic pre order using the item turnover (= dependent on sales).

Same as for an order, the Pre Order consists basically of 2 parts: the header information and the items to be ordered.

In the first step, the header information of the Pre Order is defined using this Pre Order program. The second step consists of defining the items to be ordered using the program PreOrderPos.


Remarks on the Input Fields

This paragraph will provide a short overview over the options available for updating these Basic Data.

Just like in almost any other program:


Permitted input range: numeric, 1 - 9999

The number of the company for which the Pre Order is to be carried out.

If you do not know the number, you can select the data record via the Search Function.


Permitted input range: numeric, 1 - 9999

The number of the branch in which the Pre Order is processed. The branch, for which the order is to be delivered, is to be specified in the field To Branch.

Order note no.

Permitted input range: numeric, 1 - 99999999

For a new order, this field should be acknowledged by pressing the Return key. New is displayed in the field. The system will assign for this order the smallest unused number in the system at the time of updating this record. An attempt to enter a new no. will be rejected with the appropriate error message.

For changes or deletion to be carried out, the record is to be retrieved by entering the appropriate numbers in the key fields.


Permitted input range: numeric, 1 - 99999999

This is the number of the operator doing the ordering. If you do not know the number, you can select the data record via the Search Function.

The operator has to have already been defned in the system using the program Operator, before he can carry out an order.


Permitted input range: alphanumeric, max. 40 characters

In this field a remark describing the Pre Order can be entered. The description is free. Altogether, three text lines are available.

Text 2

Permitted input range: alphanumeric, max. 40 characters

In this field a remark describing the Pre Order can be entered. The description is free. Altogether, three text lines are available.

Text 3

Permitted input range: alphanumeric, max. 40 characters

In this field a remark describing the Pre Order can be entered. The description is free. Altogether, three text lines are available.

To Branch

Permitted input range: numeric, 1 - 9999

This is the number of the branch to be delivered.

If you do not know the number, you can select the data record via the Search Function.

Stock no.

Permitted input range: numeric, 1 - 9999

This is the number of the stock location to be delivered.

If you do not know the number, you can select the data record via the Search Function.

Before a stock location can be assigned to a Pre Order, it has to be created in the system using the Profit center stockprogram.


Permitted input range: DDMMYYYY (day, month, year)

Date on which the Pre Order is stored in the system.


Permitted input range: HHMMSS (hour, minute, second)

Time at which the Pre Order has been stored in the system.

Value Amount of Order

Permitted input range: decimal, max. 13 digits including max. 3 decimal places

Total amount of the order.

Button: Costs

Click on this button to go to another sub-window. The entriy fields Freight costs, Pick up costs und Discount percent/value are shown.

Freight Costs

Permitted input range: decimal, max. 11 digits including max. 3 decimal places

Freight costs are to be entered here, if any.

Pick up Cost

Permitted input range: decimal, max. 11 digits including max. 3 decimal places

Pick up costs are to be entered here, if any.

Discount Percent/Value

Permitted input range: decimal, max. 5 digits including max. 2 decimal places

If the supplier provides a percent discount from a certain delivered value, the percentage value is to be entered here.

Search state

Button active: The prepared order is given status Confirmed.
Button deactivated: The prepared order has not yet been confirmed.

A prepared order must be finalised with a click on the transaction button. The button Search state is then activated automatically. The transaction is only possible after storage.

Pre Order Create

With this button, a dialog window is opened where the different selection fields are listed and an order to a supplier can be created and the items defined. More details can be found under Order.


The following fields will be shown in the called dialog window:

You can initiate the order by using Start.

Button: Order position

This button is required to change to program Order position.

VAT value

Entry range permitted: decimal, max. 12 digits incl. max. 1 decimal digit

Value of VAT.

Discount lead currency

Entry range permitted: decimal, max. 5 digiis incl. max. 2 decimal digits

Discount in domestic currency.

Discount for.exch.

Entry range permitted: decimal, max. 5 digits incl. max. 2 decimal digits

Discount in foreign currency


MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin