Stock Control

The setting up of the stock control will be relatively simple if it is planned in advance.

In the following description, the basic information is provided for setting up the stock control in the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application.

In addition an Example shows further detailed information on how an item can be maintained in a store.

Stock control

Do the following:

  1. Quantity Unit
    Items are stored in specific quantity units, ordered and purchased in specific packing quantity units from the supplier. Therefore, beside the units for selling, units for stock and supplier (e.g. case, barrel) have also to be defined and set up in the system.
  2. Stock Type
    Run the Stock Type maintenance program to define the different stock types in the system. With the Item Maintenance Program, each stock item is assigned with a specific stock type, e.g., the stock type "Beverage" for all beverage items.
  3. Item
    Run the Item maintenance program to define the respective item as stock items by setting the stock item status. The stock type and stock unit have also to be defined for these items.
  4. Stock Table
    Run the Stock Table maintenance program to create one or more stock tables in the system and assign these tables to the previously defined stock type. The stock tables will be assigned at a later stage to a branch, to a profit center, or to a terminal. If all items within a branch should have the same stock assignment, it is sufficient to have one stock table for the branch. However, it is possible to assign to each profit center or terminal its own stock table if for the same item a different stock table should apply in the different profit centers or terminals.
  5. Stock Table Entry
    Run the Stock Table Entry subprogram to define the different stock types for the stock tables. For each stock type in the table, the stock location used for posting for the items of this type is to be defined. By using different stock tables, you can define in such a way, for example, that all the beverage items of a specific branch, profit center or terminal are assigned to different stock locations.
  6. Branch
    Run the Branch maintenance program to assign a stock table to a branch.
  7. Profit Center
    Run the Profit Center maintenance program to assign to a profit center its own stock table. Note that this assignment has priority over the one assigned to the branch.
  8. Terminal
    Run the Terminal maintenance program to assign to a terminal its own stock table. Note that this stock table has priority over the one assigned to the profit center or to the branch.

Stock Item Example

The stock of (sales) item 702 "Bottle Tonic" is kept in stock. The stock item 7020 is a box with 24 bottles. The stock item is bought from supplier 8019 "Wiegand Getränke" at a price of (0,83 * 24) EUR 19,92.

  1. Update program Company
    Select the costing method for stock analysis in field "Calc.cost price". The options offered are: "Last price", "Average price" and "Supplier price". Select "average price"
  2. Update program Operator > Details 2
    An authorisation level is assigned to the operator in field " order". This can range from "Locked" (= ordering not permitted) to "Highest priority" (= can order everything). The authorisation step refers to the field " order" in window Item > Stock. The authorisation refers only to individual items not to a whole order.

    Link the highest priority to the operator with whom you would like to work.

    The maximum amount the order can cost can be entered in field "Max. ordering value" .
    Enter 10000,00 here.
  3. Update program Application > Item > Quantity unit
    The units are maintained here. The base units should always be "Litre, Kilogramm and Piece". Units such as Box, Tin, Sack, etc. can also be programmed. The quantity units can be staggered as required (e.g. 1 Palette ā 12 boxes ā 6 bottles ā 0,7l) .

    Program unit "Piece".
    (Unit "1", description "Piece", abbreviation "Pc", base unit "blank", content "0", weight "0")

    Program unit "24 box".
    (Unit "10", description "24 box", abbreviation. "24 box", base unit "1", content "24", weight "0")
  4. Update program Application -> Stock > Stock type
    The stock type is linked to the stock item. The name should be chosen so that it identifies a group of similar stocks (e.g.  "Drinks" for the true store "Bar", "Beer cellar" and "Wine cellar"). The link of the stock type to the stock location in the stock table defines the final store the item is deducted from.
    Program stock type "2 = Drinks".
  5. Update program Application > Stock > Stock location
    The "true" store is defined here (e.g. "Bar"). The most improtant parameters are "Stock type" (base or stock unit) and the supplier selection procedure (best = cheapest, last or preferred supplier). If parameter "Purchase stock" has not been set nothing can be purchased for this store. Additions are only possible as a result of stock transfer.

    Program store "1 = Bar" with the following parameters: "Stock type = Stock unit", "Supplier selection = best supplier" and "Purchase stock = Y"
  6. Update program Application > Stock > Stock table
    Various stock table can be programmed in this window.
    These stock tables can be linked to either branch, profit center or terminal levels.
    Program stock table 1 with the name "StandardLagerTab".
  7. Update program Application > Stock > Stock table > Stock table entry
    The stock type and the "true" store are linked. This table can give cross references for a type of stock to another store. The entry of the profit center (to which a stock table can also be linked) is optional.

    Link stock type 2 (Drinks) to stock 1 (Bar).
  8. Update program Application > Branch
    Link stock table 1 (StandardLagerTab) to the current branch.
  9. Update program Application > Supplier > Supplier
    The basic data of the supplier is updated in this window. It is important to link a payment type to the supplier (e.g. always domestic currency = cash). Further data should be entered in window Address.
    Program supplier 8019 Wiegand Getränke.
  10. Update program Application > Item > Item (applies to every item)
    Program item 7020 with the name "Box Tonic".

    Deactivate the option "Sales item". Activate the option "Stock item". Open window "Stock". Link stock type 2 (Drinks) and stock unit 10 (24 box). The selection of a "Preferred supplier" is optional. Select the order type Order by max. (by max.= it will be filled to the maximum, by min. = the maximum is only filled up after the minimum stock has been reached). Select the "highest priority" in field " order".

    Program item 702 with name "Tonic".
    Do not activate option "Stock item”.

    Link the item in window Sales to sales unit "1 = piece".

    Link item 702 in field "Stock item" to stock item 7020 (box Tonic) in update program Item > Link).
  11. Update program Application > Supplier > Supplier item
    The link of the supplier item (item no.) to the stock item is completed in this window and the cost price is assigned.
    A stock item can be linked to several suppliers.
    Program supplier item no. 70200 for supplier 8019 (Wiegand Getränke) and link this to stock item no. 7020 (box Tonic). Enter 1 (piece) as base unit and 5 (24 box) as order unit. Enter cost price 0.830 EUR/pc. in window Prices.
  12. Update program Application > Stock > Stock item
    Stock item 7020 (box Tonic) is either programmed automatically from sale of item 702 (bottle Tonic) for store 1 (bar) and is simultaneously deducted or it can be recorded in this window. The fields "Minimum" and "Maximum"  must be updated if automatic order suggestion is required.

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MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin