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Oracle® VM Server for SPARC OpenStack Nova Driver and Utilities 1.0 Administration Guide

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Updated: May 2017

How to Configure a Demonstration Single-Node OpenStack Cloud Controller (Optional)

  1. Create a copy of the /opt/openstack-ldoms/etc/controller_setup.conf.example file to an alternate location.

    For example:

    cctrl# cp /opt/openstack-ldoms/etc/controller_setup.conf.example /var/tmp/controller_setup.conf
  2. Assign values to the variables in your copy of the controller_setup.conf file that pertain to your environment.

    Ensure that you assign passwords to the MY_ADMIN_PASSWORD and MY_SERVICE_PASSWORD variables.

    # Which NIC for OpenStack management network?
    # What is the IP of the OpenStack controller?
    CONTROLLER_IP=`ipadm|grep ${MNGT_NET}/v4|awk '{print $5}'|cut -f1 -d/`
    # What is the controller's shortname?
    # Password for the admin user
    export MY_ADMIN_PASSWORD=password
    # Password for the service accounts and mysql
    export MY_SERVICE_PASSWORD=password
    # Zpool to be used for iSCSI LUNs
    export CINDER_ZPOOL=rpool
    # VLAN range to be allowed
    export VLAN_RANGE="1-4000"
  3. Create the demonstration cloud controller.
    cctrl# /opt/openstack-ldoms/bin/create-demo-controller.sh /var/tmp/controller_setup.conf