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Oracle® VM Server for SPARC OpenStack Nova Driver and Utilities 1.0 Administration Guide

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Updated: May 2017

How to Upload an Image to Glance on the Cloud Controller

  1. As superuser, source the .profile file.
    cctrl# . ~/.profile
  2. Upload the golden image.
    cctrl# export OS_USERNAME=glance
    cctrl# export OS_PASSWORD=services-password
    cctrl# export OS_TENANT_NAME=service
    cctrl# export OS_AUTH_URL=http://localhost:5000/v2.0
    cctrl# glance image-create --container-format bare --disk-format raw --is-public true \
    --property architecture=sparc64 --property hypervisor_type=ldoms \
    --property vm_mode=ldoms --name "image-description" < /var/tmp/Oracle Solaris OS-version-name.img

    For example, the following command uploads an Oracle Solaris 11.3 image:

    cctrl# glance image-create --container-format bare --disk-format raw --is-public true \
    --property architecture=sparc64 --property hypervisor_type=ldoms \
    --property vm_mode=ldoms --name "LDom: Solaris 11.3" < /var/tmp/solaris11.3.img