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Oracle® VM Server for SPARC OpenStack Nova Driver and Utilities 1.0 Administration Guide

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Updated: May 2017

Creating Networks

To create a Neutron network on a physical network, perform the following steps on a Neutron controller node:

cctrl# TENANT=`keystone tenant-get demo|grep id|awk '{print $4}'`
cctrl# VLAN_ID=1
cctrl# CIDR=IP-address/22
cctrl# GATEWAY=IP-address
cctrl# SUBNET_NAME=subnet-name
cctrl# NETWORK_NAME=network-name
cctrl# START_IP=start-IP-address
cctrl# END_IP=end-IP-address
cctrl# ML2_PHYSNET=physnetN
cctrl# export OS_USERNAME=neutron
cctrl# neutron net-create --provider:network_type=vlan \
--provider:segmentation_id=${VLAN_ID} --provider:physical_network=${ML2_PHYSNET} \
--tenant-id ${TENANT} ${NETWORK_NAME}
cctrl# neutron subnet-create --disable-dhcp --gateway ${GATEWAY} \
--name ${SUBNET_NAME} --allocation-pool start=${START_IP},end=${END_IP} \
--tenant-id ${TENANT} ${NETWORK_NAME} ${CIDR}

The following example shows how to create a Neutron network on a physical network called physnet1.

Note - The physical network name you use must be a name that aligns to the physical networks that are specified in your ml2_conf.ini files on both the cloud controller and compute nodes. The term default for the physical network will fail when attempting to create networks.

The following example sets up a simple network, with a gateway (default router) of IP addresses - are available for logical domain guests. The VLAN ID is 500 and assumes the demo tenant.

Note - OpenStack uses CIDR notation to define subnets.
cctrl# TENANT=`keystone tenant-get demo|grep id|awk '{print $4}'`
cctrl# VLAN_ID=500
cctrl# CIDR=
cctrl# GATEWAY=
cctrl# SUBNET_NAME=private_subnet
cctrl# NETWORK_NAME=private_network
cctrl# START_IP=
cctrl# END_IP=
cctrl# ML2_PHYSNET=physnet1
cctrl# export OS_USERNAME=neutron
cctrl# export OS_PASSWORD=services-password
cctrl# export OS_TENANT_NAME=service
cctrl# export OS_AUTH_URL=http://cloud-controller-IP-address:5000/v2.0
cctrl# neutron net-create --provider:network_type=vlan \
--provider:segmentation_id=${VLAN_ID} \
--provider:physical_network=${ML2_PHYSNET} --tenant-id ${TENANT} ${NETWORK_NAME}

cctrl# neutron subnet-create --disable-dhcp --gateway ${GATEWAY} \
--name ${SUBNET_NAME} --allocation-pool start=${START_IP},end=${END_IP} \
--tenant-id ${TENANT} ${NETWORK_NAME} ${CIDR}