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Oracle® VM Server for SPARC OpenStack Nova Driver and Utilities 1.0 Administration Guide

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Updated: May 2017

Oracle VM Server for SPARC OpenStack Nova Driver 1.0 Features and Capabilities

    The Oracle VM Server for SPARC OpenStack Nova Driver 1.0 includes the following features and capabilities:

  • Logical domain instances

    • Supports Oracle Solaris 10, Oracle Solaris 11, and Linux for SPARC 1.0 (experimental) as guest domains

    • Includes an historical console log

    • Supports VNC and an serial console (experimental)

    • Supports live migration and cross-CPU live migration for Oracle Solaris OS guest domains

    • Includes unique Oracle VM Server for SPARC capabilities such as whole-core and max-core constraints

    • Supports Nova evacuation on shared storage only

    • Supports Solaris WAN boot

    • Supports parallel guest domain deployment

  • Networking

    • Supports VLAN and flat networks

    • Supports alternate MAC addresses and optionally permits for extra VNICs to be created within a logical domain

    • Supports multi-homed network connectivity to guest domains

    • Supports multiple virtual switches for physical separation of network traffic

    • Supports varied MTU frame sizes

    • Supports the dynamic attachment and detachment of network ports for Solaris guest domains

      Note that only the Neutron ML2 core plugin can be used with Oracle VM Server for SPARC. The Oracle Solaris OS elastic virtual switch (EVS) is not supported for use with this Nova driver.

  • Storage

    • Supports Cinder volumes that use Fibre Channel and iSCSI

    • Supports locally managed storage for NFS, local file systems, and ZFS volumes

    • Supports multiple virtual disks

    • Supports dynamic volume attachment and detachment for Oracle Solaris OS guest domains

    • Supports the automatic resizing of disk labels, slices, and file systems for Oracle Solaris OS guest domains (EFI and VTOC) and for Linux for SPARC 1.0 (VTOC only)