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Oracle® VM Server for SPARC OpenStack Nova Driver and Utilities 1.0 Administration Guide

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Updated: May 2017

How to Obtain the Oracle VM Server for SPARC OpenStack Compute Node Software

  1. Obtain the Oracle VM Server for SPARC OpenStack Nova driver and utilities 1.0 package from MOS at https://updates.oracle.com/Orion/PatchDetails/process_form?patch_num=24654094.
  2. Obtain the distributed lock manager (DLM) package from MOS at https://updates.oracle.com/Orion/PatchDetails/process_form?patch_num=22902518.
  3. Extract the contents of the DLM patch.
    # unzip p22902518_30_SOLARIS64.zip
    Archive:  p22902518_30_SOLARIS64.zip
      inflating: README.html
      inflating: ovs-ldoms-3.4.1-b1350.tar.gz
      inflating: ovs-dlm-3.4.1-b1350.p5p


    Caution  - The ovs-dlm-3.4.1-b1350.p5p package in the p22902518_30_SOLARIS64.zip file is installed optionally on compute nodes to provide DLM. You must not install any other components from this .zip file. In particular, remove the ovs-ldoms-3.4.1-b1350.tar.gz file as its packages are incompatible with the Oracle VM Server for SPARC OpenStack Nova driver.

  4. Extract the contents of the Oracle VM Server for SPARC OpenStack Nova driver patch.
    # unzip openstack-ldoms-1.0.zip
    Archive:  openstack-ldoms-1.0.zip
       creating: openstack-ldoms/
      inflating: openstack-ldoms/openstack-ldoms-nova-1.0.p5p
       creating: openstack-ldoms/simple-init/
      inflating: openstack-ldoms/simple-init/simple-init-1.0_s11.p5p
      inflating: openstack-ldoms/simple-init/simple-init-1.0.iso
      inflating: openstack-ldoms/simple-init/simple-init-1.0_s10.pkg
      inflating: openstack-ldoms/openstack-ldoms-controller-1.0.p5p
      inflating: README.txt

      This .zip file includes the following contents:

    • openstack-ldoms/openstack-ldoms-nova-1.0.p5p Oracle VM Server for SPARC OpenStack Nova Compute Driver 1.0 package

    • openstack-ldoms/openstack-ldoms-controller-1.0.p5p Oracle VM Server for SPARC OpenStack Controller Utilities 1.0 package

    • openstack-ldoms/simple-init/simple-init-1.0.iso simple-init ISO image used when creating golden images

    • openstack-ldoms/simple-init/simple-init-1.0_s10.pkg Oracle Solaris 10 guest initialization package for use with Oracle Solaris 10 WAN boot guest installations

    • openstack-ldoms/simple-init/simple-init-1.0_s11.p5p Oracle Solaris 11 guest initialization package for use with Oracle Solaris 11 WAN boot guest installations