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Oracle® VM Server for SPARC OpenStack Nova Driver and Utilities 1.0 Administration Guide

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Updated: May 2017

How to Verify the Compute Node Configuration

Use this procedure to verify the Oracle VM Server for SPARC OpenStack compute node configuration.

Upon reboot, the server starts the nova-compute service automatically. If DLM is enabled, the Nova driver configures and joins the DLM cluster within its availability zone automatically. Note that DLM is enabled if the dlm_nfs_server property is set to an IP address in the nova.conf file.

  1. Ensure that the nova-compute service starts properly.

    When the nova-compute service and driver start or restart, you should see lines in the log that look similar to the following:

    nova# tail -f `svcs -L nova-compute`
    2016-07-07 15:20:14.011 1098 DEBUG nova.service [req-d8973f20-af93-4de6-9732-9e4a0ab6c61a - - - - -] Creating RPC server for service compute start /usr/lib/python2.7/vendor-packages/nova/service.py:188
    2016-07-07 15:20:14.013 1098 INFO oslo_messaging._drivers.impl_rabbit [req-d8973f20-af93-4de6-9732-9e4a0ab6c61a - - - - -] Connecting to AMQP server on
    2016-07-07 15:20:14.026 1098 INFO oslo_messaging._drivers.impl_rabbit [req-d8973f20-af93-4de6-9732-9e4a0ab6c61a - - - - -] Connected to AMQP server on
    2016-07-07 15:20:14.033 1098 DEBUG nova.service [req-d8973f20-af93-4de6-9732-9e4a0ab6c61a - - - - -] Join ServiceGroup membership for this service compute start /usr/lib/python2.7/vendor-packages/nova/service.py:206
    2016-07-07 15:20:14.033 1098 DEBUG nova.servicegroup.drivers.db [req-d8973f20-af93-4de6-9732-9e4a0ab6c61a - - - - -] DB_Driver: join new ServiceGroup member to the compute group, service = <nova.service.Service object at 0xea967cf0> join /usr/lib/python2.7/vendor-packages/nova/servicegroup/drivers/db.py:59

    If you do not see a connection to AMQP and the DB_Driver: join new ServiceGroup member message after five minutes, ensure that the nova-compute service is running and validate the compute node's configuration. See Oracle VM Server for SPARC OpenStack Compute Node Configuration Reference.

    If the problem is a configuration issue, you should see an exception that starts with EXCEPTION or ERROR early in the startup log.

    If the problem is not a configuration issue, ensure that the MTU for the management network is the same everywhere, that NTP is configured, and that name resolution is operating properly.

  2. (Optional) Confirm that the cluster is READY.

    Only perform this check if the DLM package is installed and if DLM is enabled.

    nova# dlmcli STATUS

      The cluster status can be one of the following values:



    • READY

    If the cluster status is not READY, wait a few minutes and re-check the status. If a re-check shows that the cluster status is not READY, the cluster might not be properly configured. See Understanding Log Output From the Nova Driver.