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Oracle® VM Server for SPARC OpenStack Nova Driver and Utilities 1.0 Administration Guide

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Updated: May 2017


Numbers and Symbols

configuration filesindex iconNeutron for the Cloud Controller /etc/neutron/api-paste.ini File
configuration filesindex iconNeutron for the Cloud Controller
configuration filesindex iconNeutron for the Cloud Controller /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini File
configuration files
index iconML2 for the Oracle VM Server for SPARC OpenStack Compute Node
index iconNetwork Configuration Properties
index iconOracle VM Server for SPARC OpenStack Compute Node Configuration File Properties
index iconOracle VM Server for SPARC OpenStack Compute Node


compute node software
obtainingindex iconObtaining the Oracle VM Server for SPARC OpenStack Compute Node Software
configuration files
/etc/neutron/api-paste.iniindex iconNeutron for the Cloud Controller /etc/neutron/api-paste.ini File
/etc/neutron/neutron.confindex iconNeutron for the Cloud Controller
/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.iniindex iconNeutron for the Cloud Controller /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini File
index iconML2 for the Oracle VM Server for SPARC OpenStack Compute Node
index iconNetwork Configuration Properties
index iconOracle VM Server for SPARC OpenStack Compute Node Configuration File Properties
index iconOracle VM Server for SPARC OpenStack Compute Node
configuration properties
Oracle VM Server for SPARC OpenStack compute nodeindex iconOracle VM Server for SPARC OpenStack Compute Node Configuration Properties
demonstration version of an OpenStack cloud controllerindex iconConfiguring a Demonstration Version of the OpenStack Cloud Controller
distributed lock management (DLM)index iconConfiguring Distributed Lock Management
NFSv4 server for DLMindex iconConfiguring an NFSv4 Server on the Oracle Solaris OS for Use With Distributed Lock Management
Oracle VM Server for SPARC OpenStack compute node flavorsindex iconConfiguring Flavors for Oracle VM Server for SPARC OpenStack Compute Nodes
serial consoleindex iconConfiguring a Serial Console
Glance imagesindex iconCreating and Uploading Glance Images
networksindex iconCreating Networks
Oracle VM Server for SPARC OpenStack compute node flavorsindex iconCreating Oracle VM Server for SPARC OpenStack Compute Node Flavors
WAN boot configuration imagesindex iconHow to Create a WAN Boot Configuration Image for Glance
Oracle VM Server for SPARC OpenStack compute node flavorsindex iconCustomizing Oracle VM Server for SPARC OpenStack Compute Node Flavors


distributed lock management (DLM)
configuringindex iconConfiguring Distributed Lock Management
prerequisitesindex iconDistributed Lock Management Prerequisites


Oracle VM Server for SPARC OpenStack compute node
index iconCustomizing Oracle VM Server for SPARC OpenStack Compute Node Flavors
index iconConfiguring Flavors for Oracle VM Server for SPARC OpenStack Compute Nodes
index iconCreating Oracle VM Server for SPARC OpenStack Compute Node Flavors


Glance images
creatingindex iconCreating and Uploading Glance Images
uploadingindex iconCreating and Uploading Glance Images
golden images
uploadingindex iconHow to Upload an Image to Glance on the Cloud Controller


hardware requirements
OpenStack cloud controllerindex iconHardware Requirements


Oracle VM Server for SPARC OpenStack compute node softwareindex iconInstalling an Oracle VM Server for SPARC OpenStack Compute Node


known issuesindex iconKnown Issues


creatingindex iconCreating Networks
NFSv4 server
configuring for DLMindex iconConfiguring an NFSv4 Server on the Oracle Solaris OS for Use With Distributed Lock Management
taking offlineindex iconTaking the Distributed Lock Management NFSv4 Server Offline for Maintenance


compute node softwareindex iconObtaining the Oracle VM Server for SPARC OpenStack Compute Node Software
OpenStackindex iconAbout OpenStack
core componentsindex iconAbout OpenStack
OpenStack cloud controllerindex iconOpenStack Cloud Controller Prerequisites
configuring demonstration versionindex iconConfiguring a Demonstration Version of the OpenStack Cloud Controller
hardware requirementsindex iconHardware Requirements
prerequisitesindex iconOpenStack Cloud Controller Prerequisites
software requirementsindex iconSoftware Requirements
OpenStack componentsindex iconAbout OpenStack
Cinder volume and block storageindex iconAbout OpenStack
Glance image managementindex iconAbout OpenStack
Horizon web-based management dashboardindex iconAbout OpenStack
Keystone identity serviceindex iconAbout OpenStack
Neutron networkingindex iconAbout OpenStack
Nova compute and virtualizationindex iconAbout OpenStack
Oracle VM Server for SPARC OpenStack compute nodeindex iconOracle VM Server for SPARC OpenStack Compute Node Prerequisites
configuration propertiesindex iconOracle VM Server for SPARC OpenStack Compute Node Configuration Properties
flavor restrictionsindex iconFlavor Restrictions
index iconFlavor Restrictions
index iconCustomizing Oracle VM Server for SPARC OpenStack Compute Node Flavors
index iconConfiguring Flavors for Oracle VM Server for SPARC OpenStack Compute Nodes
index iconCreating Oracle VM Server for SPARC OpenStack Compute Node Flavors
prerequisitesindex iconOracle VM Server for SPARC OpenStack Compute Node Prerequisites
Oracle VM Server for SPARC OpenStack compute node software
installingindex iconInstalling an Oracle VM Server for SPARC OpenStack Compute Node
Oracle VM Server for SPARC OpenStack Nova driverindex iconOracle VM Server for SPARC OpenStack Nova Driver 1.0 Features and Capabilities
capabilitiesindex iconOracle VM Server for SPARC OpenStack Nova Driver 1.0 Features and Capabilities
featuresindex iconOracle VM Server for SPARC OpenStack Nova Driver 1.0 Features and Capabilities


index iconOracle VM Server for SPARC OpenStack Compute Node Prerequisites
index iconOpenStack Cloud Controller Prerequisites
distributed lock management (DLM)index iconDistributed Lock Management Prerequisites
OpenStack cloud controllerindex iconOpenStack Cloud Controller Prerequisites
Oracle VM Server for SPARC OpenStack compute nodeindex iconOracle VM Server for SPARC OpenStack Compute Node Prerequisites


serial console
configuringindex iconConfiguring a Serial Console
software requirements
OpenStack cloud controllerindex iconSoftware Requirements


index iconTroubleshooting Other OpenStack Issues
index iconTroubleshooting Nova Compute Service Issues
index iconTroubleshooting VM Deployment Issues
Nova compute server issuesindex iconTroubleshooting Nova Compute Service Issues
other OpenStack issuesindex iconTroubleshooting Other OpenStack Issues
VM deployment issuesindex iconTroubleshooting VM Deployment Issues


Glance imagesindex iconCreating and Uploading Glance Images
golden imagesindex iconHow to Upload an Image to Glance on the Cloud Controller


WAN boot configuration images
creatingindex iconHow to Create a WAN Boot Configuration Image for Glance