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SPARC and Netra SPARC S7-2 Series Servers Administration Guide

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Updated: January 2017

Specify Cooldown Mode

Some servers support the host cooldown mode, but not all. Setting the HOST_COOLDOWN property to enabled causes the server to enter cooldown mode while the host is powering off. The cooldown mode directs Oracle ILOM to monitor certain components to ensure that they are below a minimum temperature, so as not to cause harm to the user if internal components are accessed.

Once the components are below the threshold temperature, power is removed from the server, which enables the cover interlock switch to release. If the monitored temperatures take longer than four minutes to reach the threshold, the host turns off.

  • At the Oracle ILOM prompt, type:
    -> set /SP/policy HOST_COOLDOWN=value

    where value can be:

    • enabled – Server cools certain components before powering off.

    • disabled – Component temperatures are not monitored during power off.

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