12 Employee Management

Configuring Labor Management for Human Resources consists of the following high-level steps:
  • Configuring organization settings, such as employee skill levels, working hours, and legal compliance.

    You configure these settings after installing Labor Management. You update these settings as necessary to satisfy changing business requirements. In enterprise organizations, you assign the configurations to the locations.

  • Configuring the employee information form to control viewing and editing permissions for employee records.

    You apply permissions to roles. You can also enable change tracking for auditing.

  • Configuring and maintaining jobs, wages, pay rates, and employee job assignments.

    You set up job and labor categories to improve the accuracy and focus of wage- and job-related reports.

Organization Settings

You set up initial organization settings to set guidelines and restrictions on subsequent configurations. These settings include:
  • Ethnicity

  • Employee skill levels

  • School districts

  • School year calendars and vacation days

  • Direct deposit banks

  • Store work hours

  • Reasons for change

You typically do not have to change these settings after you first define them.

Employee Information

You configure the employee information form using the Human Resources templates to:
  • Streamline the information available for viewing and editing.

  • Add role-based permissions for viewing and editing the form.

  • Employee create, edit, and assignment permissions by role.

  • Configure the audit trail for changes to employee information.

Jobs, Wages, and Pay Rates

You configure settings for:
  • The list of available jobs.

  • Wages and pay rates.

  • Job and labor categories for improved reporting data.