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Accounts Receivable

Handle complex transactions quickly and automatically, minimize the need for manual processing, improve customer relationships, and enhance your organization's ability to respond to credit and collections issues.

Accelerate and streamline the accounts receivable process for improved cash flow

Manage Customers Effectively

Improve customer relationships by efficiently handing customer invoices and leverage your organization's ability to respond to credit and collection issues.

Streamline Invoice Processing

Automatically calculate discounts based on user-defined payment terms, calculates taxes, and incorporates customer currency and language preferences.

Manage Receipts and Deductions

Recognize cash received and create an accurate cash flow position and record any deductions applied by the customer to the payment and control writeoffs and charge-backs.

UX One Role Based Pages Access for Accounts Receivable

Access to UX One role-based pages enables Accounts Receivable Managers, Collection Managers, and Credit Managers to easily access, review, and act upon important information about invoices, payments, cash flow, and credits, thereby efficiently managing accounts receivable and collections.