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Sustainability Framework

The JD Edwards Sustainability Framework supports the environmental aspect of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG), which deals with environmental risks and natural resource management. This solution is a valuable option for organizations to streamline and standardize the environmental data collection across different business processes.

Optimizing Environmental Data Collection for Enhanced Efficiency

Simplified and Streamlined Data Collection

Effectively tackles the complexities of environmental data collection by capturing data from various business processes. This capability not only simplifies, but also streamlines the entire data collection process, thus enhancing the overall efficiency.

Enhanced Data Management Capabilities

With comprehensive environmental data management capabilities, the Sustainability Framework solution ensures accurate and reliable handling of data. This includes features that maintain data integrity and facilitate easy access to information.

Ensured Data Accuracies

Includes the ability to review and approve the sustainability activity records. This feature adds an extra layer of oversight thus ensuring that the data entered is verified and accurate before being finalized.

Seamless Integration

Enables seamless integration with various third-party tools for carbon calculation and reporting. This adaptability ensures that organizations can integrate with any solutions to meet their specific business needs.