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Lift and Shift Guide - Moving Oracle Solaris 10 Guest Domains to SPARC Servers Running Oracle Solaris 11

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Updated: February 2020

Collect Performance Data on the Source System

Collecting performance data before the lift and shift provides a baseline for comparison in the new environment. In particular, make note of the CPU utilization so that you can estimate the most appropriate resources that the guest domain should have in the target system.

  • Use whatever tools and metrics that are best suited to your environment.

    In this example, Swingbench is used to run a database workload.

    An OLTP workload (SOE schema) consisting of 300 users was run over several hours to produce a consistent workload:

    image:A screen capture of Swingbench.

    The same activity was monitored using Enterprise Manager Database Express:

    Note – For more information on Enterprise Manager Database Express, refer to this web page: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/manageability/emx-intro-1965965.html

    image:A screen shot of EM Database Express.