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Lift and Shift Guide - Moving Oracle Solaris 10 Guest Domains to SPARC Servers Running Oracle Solaris 11

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Updated: February 2020

Create the Source Archive (Alternate Method)

This procedure creates an archive file on the shared storage. The archive file contains compressed versions of the source guest domain's virtual disks that you specify and configuration files.

  1. Ensure that the latest version of patch 151934 is installed on the source system.

    The latest patch is required so that the source system has the latest versions of OVMT utilities (see Prepare the Source System).

    root@SourceControlDomain# showrev -p | grep 151934
    Patch: 151934-06 Obsoletes: Requires: Incompatibles: Packages: SUNWldmib, SUNWldm
  2. On the source system, login as the Oracle user and shutdown the Oracle environment including the database, any applications, third party products, and so on.

    This example is of an Oracle restart environment, so the crsctl command is used.

    Note – It is a good practice to perform this step to avoid any application related errors on the target after the deployment. After the deployment, crsctl can be used to restart and enable the high availability components.

    $ crsctl stop has
    $ crsctl disable has

  3. Stop the source guest domain.

    This step is important because the ovmtcreate utility requires the Oracle Solaris 10 domain to be in a bound state.

    root@SourceControlDomain# ldm stop solaris10

  4. On the source control domain, create a text file that lists the virtual disks you want captured in the archive:
    1. Generate a list of all the guest domain virtual disks.

      Run the following command line script to generate a list of all the virtual disk names associated with the source guest domain (solaris10 in our example). The list is redirected to a file called /ovas/vdisks.txt on shared storage.

      root@SourceControlDomain# ldm list -p -o disk solaris10 | nawk -F '|' \
       '{ if($1=="VDISK") { split($2,VDISK,"=") ; print VDISK[2] } }' > /ovas/vdisks.txt
    2. Edit the file so it only lists the virtual disks that you want captured in the archive.

      Example of the edited file:

      root@SourceControlDomain# cat /ovas/vdisks.txt
  5. Run the ovmtcreate command and include the -I option to specify the vdisk.txt file.

    Use the ovmtcreate command that was obtained from patch 151934 (see Prepare the Source System).

    The ovmtcreate command examines the topology of a logical domain to create an archive, which is in the form of an OVF archive (.ova).

    Run this command as superuser on the source control domain.

    Not all ovmtcreate options are listed here. For more information about ovmtcreate, refer to the ovmtcreate (1M) man page.


    /opt/SUNWldm/lib/contrib/ovmtcreate –d GuestDomain -I vdisk_filename -w Working_Directory –o Archive_File_on_Shared_Storage –s “Description


    • -d GuestDomain – The name of your guest domain.

    • -I vdisk_filename – When specified, enables you to specify a file path name that contains a list of virtual disks to include in the archive. If not specified, all virtual disks associated with the domain are included in the archive.

    • -w Working_Directory – The full path to the working directory that you prepared in Prepare the Source System.

    • -o Archive_File_on_Shared_Storage – The full path name of the location that you prepared in Prepare a Shared Storage Location for the Archive.

    • -s Description– A short description of the archive.

    Note – For Oracle Solaris 10, the full path to the command is /opt/SUNWldm/lib/contrib/ovmtcreate.

    root@SourceControlDomain# ovmtcreate -d solaris10 -I /ovas/vdisks.txt -w /WorkingDirectory   -o /ovas/solaris10.ova  -s "source S10 domain"
    Oracle VM for SPARC Template Creation Utility
    ovmtcreate     Version:  on10-patch20171108123131
    Performing platform & prerequisite checks
    Checking user permissions
    Checking for required packages
    Checking for required services
    Checking directory permissions
    Retrieving and processing attributes
    Checking domain state
    Getting domain resource settings
    Discovering network topology
    Discovering disk topology
    Checking destination and working directory capacity
    Processing disk images 1 of 2
    Processing disk images 2 of 2
    Creating XML configuration
    Calculating manifest checksums
    Creating archive file
    Checking archive
    Started: Wed Apr 11 16:53:50 PDT 2018
    Completed: Wed Apr 11 19:49:13 PDT 2018
    Elapsed time: 2:55:23
  6. Verify the creation of the source archive file.
    root@SourceControlDomain# Shared_Location#  ls -rtlh *.ova
    -rw-r--r--   1 root         97G Feb 13 22:15 solaris10.ova

  7. (If needed) Reconfigure the source system's CPU and memory resources to their original values.

    Perform this step if you changed the CPU and memory resources in Prepare the Source System.

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