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Lift and Shift Guide - Moving Oracle Solaris 10 Guest Domains to SPARC Servers Running Oracle Solaris 11

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Updated: February 2020



index iconReview the Target Control Domain Services
index iconCreate the Archive of the Source Guest Domain
deployingindex iconDeploy the Guest Domain on the Target System
shared storage forindex iconPrepare a Shared Storage Location for the Archive
ASMindex iconConfigure Guest Domain Database Components
ASM disksindex iconPrepare the Target System
assessing the systemsindex iconAssessing the Source and Target Systems


calculating space required for the shared storageindex iconPrepare a Shared Storage Location for the Archive
guest domain informationindex iconObtain Configuration Details from the Source Guest Domain
source system performance dataindex iconCollect Performance Data on the Source System
target system performance dataindex iconCollect Performance Data on the Target System
index iconConfigure Guest Domain Database Components
index iconCreate the Archive of the Source Guest Domain
index iconReview the Target Control Domain Services
index iconObtain Configuration Details from the Source Control Domain
index iconReview the Target Guest Domain Services
index iconPrepare the Target System
index iconObtain Configuration Details from the Source Guest Domain
ifconfigindex iconObtain Configuration Details from the Source Guest Domain
index iconPrepare the Target System
index iconObtain Configuration Details from the Source Control Domain
index iconReconfigure the Target Guest Domain
index iconReview the Target Guest Domain Services
index iconReview the Target Control Domain Services
index iconCreate the Archive of the Source Guest Domain
index iconPrepare the Target System
index iconPrepare the Source System
index iconIdentify the Target System's Topology
index iconObtain Configuration Details from the Source Control Domain
ls-spconfigindex iconPrepare the Target System
lsdgindex iconObtain Configuration Details from the Source Guest Domain
index iconConfigure Guest Domain Database Components
index iconObtain Configuration Details from the Source Guest Domain
index iconReview the Target Guest Domain Services
index iconIdentify the Target System's Topology
ovmtconfigindex iconReconfigure the Target Guest Domain
ovmtcreateindex iconCreate the Archive of the Source Guest Domain
index iconDeploy the Guest Domain on the Target System
index iconPrepare the Target System
patchaddindex iconPrepare the Source System
pkgindex iconIdentify the Target System's Topology
prtdiagindex iconIdentify the Target System's Topology
index iconIdentify the Target System's Topology
index iconObtain Configuration Details from the Source Control Domain
showrevindex iconCreate the Archive of the Source Guest Domain
index iconConfigure Guest Domain Database Components
index iconObtain Configuration Details from the Source Guest Domain
srvctlindex iconConfigure Guest Domain Database Components
sys-unconfigindex iconReconfigure the Target Guest Domain
telnetindex iconReview the Target Guest Domain Services
unameindex iconReconfigure the Target Guest Domain
zfsindex iconPrepare a Shared Storage Location for the Archive
index iconReconfigure the Target Guest Domain
index iconReview the Target Guest Domain Services
index iconPrepare a Shared Storage Location for the Archive
index iconIdentify the Target System's Topology
index iconObtain Configuration Details from the Source Guest Domain
configuring guest domain database componentsindex iconConfigure Guest Domain Database Components
considerations for the lift and shiftindex iconConsiderations
contingency planindex iconContingency Plan
CPU resources
for guest domain on the target systemindex iconPrepare the Target System
increasing on the source systemindex iconPrepare the Source System
target systemindex iconIdentify the Target System's Topology
creating the guest domain archiveindex iconCreate the Archive of the Source Guest Domain


DATA disk groupindex iconObtain Configuration Details from the Source Guest Domain
database components, configuringindex iconConfigure Guest Domain Database Components
database instanceindex iconConfigure Guest Domain Database Components
deploying the guest domain on the target systemindex iconDeploy the Guest Domain on the Target System
disk size of the guest domain, determiningindex iconObtain Configuration Details from the Source Control Domain
down time, requiredindex iconConsiderations
duration, lift and shiftindex iconConsiderations


Enterprise Manager Database Express
index iconCollect Performance Data on the Target System
index iconCollect Performance Data on the Source System
example nomenclatureindex iconNomenclature Used in Examples


guest domain
characteristicsindex iconNomenclature Used in Examples
configuration informationindex iconObtain Configuration Details from the Source Guest Domain
creating the archive
index iconReview the Target Control Domain Services
index iconCreate the Archive of the Source Guest Domain
database components, configuringindex iconConfigure Guest Domain Database Components
deployingindex iconDeploy the Guest Domain on the Target System
disk size, determiningindex iconObtain Configuration Details from the Source Control Domain
network topology on the target systemindex iconReview the Target Guest Domain Services
promptindex iconNomenclature Used in Examples
reconfiguring on the target systemindex iconReconfigure the Target Guest Domain
reviewing services on the target systemindex iconReview the Target Guest Domain Services


lift and shift
assessing the systemsindex iconAssessing the Source and Target Systems
considerationsindex iconConsiderations
contingency planindex iconContingency Plan
durationindex iconConsiderations
requirementsindex iconRequirements
requirements for the alternate methodindex iconRequirements (Alternate Method)
scenarioindex iconLift and Shift Scenario Overview
scopeindex iconScope – Is this Lift and Shift Scenario Right for You?
LISTENER resourceindex iconConfigure Guest Domain Database Components
logical domain configuration (target system)index iconPrepare the Target System


network configuration differencesindex iconConsiderations
nomenclature used in examplesindex iconNomenclature Used in Examples


Oracle Restartindex iconConfigure Guest Domain Database Components
oratab fileindex iconObtain Configuration Details from the Source Guest Domain
overview, lift and shiftindex iconLift and Shift Scenario Overview
ovmt_s10_sysidcfg.sh scriptindex iconReconfigure the Target Guest Domain
ovmtconfig commandindex iconReconfigure the Target Guest Domain
ovmtcreate commandindex iconCreate the Archive of the Source Guest Domain
ovmtdeploy command
index iconDeploy the Guest Domain on the Target System
index iconPrepare the Target System
undoingindex icon(If Needed) Undo the Deployment


patch 151934index iconPrepare the Source System
performance data
source systemindex iconCollect Performance Data on the Source System
target systemindex iconCollect Performance Data on the Target System
shared storageindex iconPrepare a Shared Storage Location for the Archive
shared storage (alternate method)index iconPrepare Shared Storage (Alternate Method)
source systemindex iconPrepare the Source System
target systemindex iconPrepare the Target System


reconfiguring the target guest domainindex iconReconfigure the Target Guest Domain
requirements for the lift and shiftindex iconRequirements
target control domain servicesindex iconReview the Target Control Domain Services
target guest domain servicesindex iconReview the Target Guest Domain Services
root disks (rpool)index iconPrepare the Target System


scenario, lift and shiftindex iconLift and Shift Scenario Overview
scopeindex iconScope – Is this Lift and Shift Scenario Right for You?
shared storage
preparingindex iconPrepare a Shared Storage Location for the Archive
preparing (alternate method)index iconPrepare Shared Storage (Alternate Method)
requirementsindex iconRequirements
requirements for the alternate methodindex iconRequirements (Alternate Method)
Solaris10.props fileindex iconReconfigure the Target Guest Domain
source system
characteristicsindex iconNomenclature Used in Examples
guest domain informationindex iconObtain Configuration Details from the Source Guest Domain
increasing CPU resourcesindex iconPrepare the Source System
preparingindex iconPrepare the Source System
promptindex iconNomenclature Used in Examples
requirementsindex iconRequirements
requirements for the alternate methodindex iconRequirements (Alternate Method)
topologyindex iconObtain Configuration Details from the Source Control Domain
spfileindex iconConfigure Guest Domain Database Components
index iconCollect Performance Data on the Target System
index iconCollect Performance Data on the Source System


target system
characteristicsindex iconNomenclature Used in Examples
collecting performance dataindex iconCollect Performance Data on the Target System
CPU resourcesindex iconIdentify the Target System's Topology
deploying the guest domainindex iconDeploy the Guest Domain on the Target System
disk names and capacitiesindex iconPrepare the Target System
preparingindex iconPrepare the Target System
promptindex iconNomenclature Used in Examples
requirementsindex iconRequirements
requirements for the alternate methodindex iconRequirements (Alternate Method)
reviewing control domain servicesindex iconReview the Target Control Domain Services
topologyindex iconIdentify the Target System's Topology
undoing the deploymentindex icon(If Needed) Undo the Deployment
ZFS storage poolsindex iconIdentify the Target System's Topology
of the source systemindex iconObtain Configuration Details from the Source Control Domain
target systemindex iconIdentify the Target System's Topology


u01 zpool (Oracle binaries)index iconPrepare the Target System
undoing the deploymentindex icon(If Needed) Undo the Deployment


working directory for ovmtcreateindex iconPrepare the Source System


ZFS storage pools on the target systemindex iconIdentify the Target System's Topology