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Lift and Shift Guide - Migrating Workloads from Oracle Solaris 10 (ZFS) SPARC Systems to Oracle Solaris 10 Guest Domains

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Updated: February 2020

Create a Target Guest Domain

In this example, the target system is an Oracle SPARC S7-2 running the Oracle Solaris 11 OS. This procedure describes how to create an Oracle Solaris 10 guest domain that will host the migrated zones.

As you perform this procedure, take into account the state of your target system and adjust or omit steps as needed.

  1. On the target control domain, save a new logical domain resource configuration.

    This ensures that the configuration is saved and used after a power cycle. If it isn't saved, the configuration is lost after a power cycle.

    1. Add a logical domain configuration to the service processor.
      root@TargetControlDom# ldm add-spconfig solaris10config

    2. Check that the newly created logical domain configuration is active.

      In this example, the output shows that the newly created solaris10config configuration is active.

      root@TargetControlDom# ldm ls-spconfig
      solaris10config [current]

  2. On the target system, create an Oracle Solaris 10 guest domain.

    The guest domain will be deployed with the source's Oracle Solaris 10 OS and host the zones.

    This example uses the ovmtdeploy command. Alternatively, you can create the guest domain from an Oracle Solaris DVD or use Jumpstart.


    /opt/ovmtutils/bin/ovmtdeploy -d domain-name -s -c vcpu -m size -t vsw -e nic -E vnet -v dev template_name


    • -d domain-name – The name of the guest domain being created

    • -s – Prevents the new guest domain from automatically starting after its creation. This enables you to reconfigure the guest domain before it starts.

    • -c vcpu – Specifies the number of virtual CPUs to assign (overrides the setting for the number of virtual CPUs specified in the template file). The number of vCPUs must not exceed the number of vCPUs that are available in the target system and intended for this guest domain.

    • -m size – Overrides the memory size specified in the template file (.ovf). The number of overriding sizes must match the number of logical domains. size is the amount of memory plus a unit. The unit is m for megabytes or g for gigabytes.

    • -t vsw – The name of the virtual switch

    • -e nic – Specifies the network adapter to use for the virtual network switches that are required for this template.

    • -E vnet – The name of the virtual network

    • -v dev – Specifies a comma-separated list of target devices, directories, or both (depends on what is specified for the template_name).

    • template_name – The path name to the OVA template file. This file must be an OVF 1.0 archive that contains disk images formatted for use by SPARC systems, downloaded from https://support.oracle.com or https://edelivery.oracle.com

    This single command line creates an Oracle Solaris 10 guest domain:

    root@TargetControlDom# /opt/ovmtutils/bin/ovmtdeploy -d solaris10 -s -c 80 -m 128g -t primary-vsw0 -e aggr0 -E vnet0 -v /dev/rdsk/c0t600144F09F2C0BFD00005BE4A8500003d0s2  /ovas1/Downloads/OVM_S10U11_SPARC.ova
  3. Verify the existence of the new target guest domain.

    This example shows that the solaris10 guest domain is created.

    root@TargetControlDom# ldm ls
    NAME             STATE      FLAGS     CONS       VCPU    MEMORY    UTIL   NORM   UPTIME
    primary          active     -n-cv-    UART       16      32G       1.2%   1.2%   6d 14h 11m
    solaris10        bound      -----     5000       80      128G
  4. Configure the guest domain.

    The target system is on a separate network ( than the Source environment ( The transition of the subnet from source to target can be performed manually using the sys-config command, or by using the ovmtconfig utility. These steps use the ovmtconfig utility.

    1. Create a properties file.

      The ovmtconfig utility requires a configuration properties file that provides the configuration parameters.

      Copy and modify the /opt/ovmtutils/share/props/solaris.properties file:

      root@TargetGuestDom# cp -ip /opt/ovmtutils/share/props/solaris.properties /ovas1/solaris10.props

      In this example, the solaris10.props file was modified with these parameters:

      Note -  The root-password string is copied from the source system's /etc/shadow file.











    2. Configure and start the guest domain with the ovmtconfig utility.

      This utility takes a couple of minutes to complete. For additional information refer to the Oracle VM Server for SPARC Template Examples at https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E62357_01/html/E62358/templateexamples.html.


      /opt/ovmtutils/bin/ovmtconfig -d domain-name -c commands -s -v -P Properties_file


      • -d domain-name – The name of the guest domain that will be configured by this command

      • -c commands – For this example, specify the name of a script that contains commands that configure an Oracle Solaris 10 domain. The ovmtutils script called ovmt_s10_sysidcfg.sh and ovmt_s11_expand_disk.sh provide the correct commands for this option.

      • -s – Starts the domain after configuration.

      • -v – Create logical domain variables from properties.

      • -P Properties_file – The path name of the properties file that contains configuration parameters (created in the previous step).

      Example (entered on a single line):

      root@TargetControlDom# /opt/ovmtutils/bin/ovmtconfig -s -d solaris10 -c /opt/ovmtutils/share/scripts/ovmt_s11_expand_disk.sh,/opt/ovmtutils/
      share/scripts/ovmt_s10_sysidcfg.sh -v -P /ovas1/solaris10.props
  5. Verify the existence of the new target guest domain.

    This example shows that the solaris10 guest domain is created.

    root@TargetControlDom# ldm ls
    NAME             STATE      FLAGS     CONS       VCPU    MEMORY    UTIL   NORM   UPTIME
    primary          active     -n-cv-    UART       16      32G       1.2%   1.2%   6d 14h 11m
    solaris10        active     -n----    5000       80      128G      0.1%   0.1%   0d 0h 4m
  6. Patch the target guest domain.

    See Patch the Target Guest Domain.