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Lift and Shift Guide - Migrating Workloads from Oracle Solaris 10 (ZFS) SPARC Systems to Oracle Solaris 10 Guest Domains

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Updated: February 2020



architecture, listingindex iconReview the Source System Configuration


booting non-global zonesindex iconReconfigure Host Names and IP Parameters


capturing command outputindex iconReview the Source System Configuration
configuring /etc filesindex iconComplete the Target Guest Domain Configuration
configuring the target domain virtual disksindex iconConfigure Target Domain Virtual Disks
CPU IDs, reconfiguringindex iconReconfigure Zone CPU IDs
CPU resourcesindex iconPrepare the Target System
flash archive (FLAR)index iconLift the Source Environment to the Shared Storage
target guest domainsindex iconCreate a Target Guest Domain
zfs snapshotsindex iconLift the Source Environment to the Shared Storage


database, reconfiguringindex iconReconfigure the Database
DB zone, transferring dataindex iconTransfer Data to the Database Zone
defaultdomain, configuringindex iconComplete the Target Guest Domain Configuration
deploying the target FLARindex iconShift the Source Environment to the Target Guest Domain
description of the lift and shift scenarioindex iconLift and Shift Overview
example configurationindex iconExample Configuration and Prompts
listingindex iconReview the Source System Configuration
disks (virtual), configuringindex iconConfigure Target Domain Virtual Disks
adjustingindex iconConfigure Target Domain Virtual Disks
dump space
adjustingindex iconComplete the Target Guest Domain Configuration
listingindex iconReview the Source System Configuration


flash archive
creatingindex iconLift the Source Environment to the Shared Storage
deployingindex iconShift the Source Environment to the Target Guest Domain


host names, reconfiguringindex iconReconfigure Host Names and IP Parameters


IP parameters, reconfiguringindex iconReconfigure Host Names and IP Parameters
ISO image, Oracle Solaris 10index iconPrepare the Shared Storage


ldap, configuringindex iconComplete the Target Guest Domain Configuration
ldm add-vdsdevindex iconConfigure Target Domain Virtual Disks
index iconLift the Source Environment to the Shared Storage
index iconLift and Shift Overview
index iconShift the Source Environment to the Target Guest Domain
index iconLift and Shift Overview
lift and shift
completingindex iconPerform Assurance Tests and Release the Workloads into Production
overviewindex iconLift and Shift Overview
requirementsindex iconRequirements
scopeindex iconScope
understanding the processindex iconUnderstanding the Lift and Shift Process
lift and shift systems, preparingindex iconPreparing the Lift and Shift Systems
lifting the source to the shared storageindex iconLift the Source Environment to the Shared Storage
source system architectureindex iconReview the Source System Configuration
source system disksindex iconReview the Source System Configuration
source system dump spaceindex iconReview the Source System Configuration
source system memoryindex iconReview the Source System Configuration
source system metadevicesindex iconReview the Source System Configuration
source system network parametersindex iconReview the Source System Configuration
source system processorsindex iconReview the Source System Configuration
source system swap spaceindex iconReview the Source System Configuration
source system zonesindex iconReview the Source System Configuration
logical domain configuration (target system)index iconPrepare the Target System


memory, listingindex iconReview the Source System Configuration
listingindex iconReview the Source System Configuration


network parameters
listingindex iconReview the Source System Configuration
nsswitch.conf, configuringindex iconComplete the Target Guest Domain Configuration


Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Expressindex iconPerform Assurance Tests and Release the Workloads into Production
Oracle Solaris 10 ISO imageindex iconPrepare the Shared Storage
Oracle Solaris 10 OVM templateindex iconPrepare the Target System
ovas1index iconPrepare the Shared Storage
overview, lift and shiftindex iconLift and Shift Overview
OVM template, downloadingindex iconPrepare the Target System
index iconCreate a Target Guest Domain
index iconLift and Shift Overview
index iconCreate a Target Guest Domain
index iconLift and Shift Overview


pam.conf, configuringindex iconComplete the Target Guest Domain Configuration
for the target guest domainindex iconShift the Source Environment to the Target Guest Domain
installed on the source system
index iconPrepare the Source System
index iconPrepare the Shared Storage
installed on the target guest domain
index iconInstall the Oracle Solaris 10 Recommended Patch Set
index iconPatch the Target Guest Domain
lift and shift systemsindex iconPreparing the Lift and Shift Systems
shared storageindex iconPrepare the Shared Storage
source systemindex iconPrepare the Source System
target systemindex iconPrepare the Target System
processors, listingindex iconReview the Source System Configuration
prompts used in examplesindex iconExample Configuration and Prompts


databasesindex iconReconfigure the Database
zone CPU IDsindex iconReconfigure Zone CPU IDs
zone host names and IP parametersindex iconReconfigure Host Names and IP Parameters
zonesindex iconReconfigure the Zones
zones on the target systemindex iconReconfiguring the Zones on the Target System
requirements for the lift and shiftindex iconRequirements
source systemindex iconReview the Source System Configuration
target systemindex iconPrepare the Target System


index iconScope
index iconLift and Shift Overview
shared storage
disk space calculationindex iconPrepare the Shared Storage
preparingindex iconPrepare the Shared Storage
requirementsindex iconRequirements
transferring data to the target systemindex iconShift the Source Environment to the Target Guest Domain
transferring the environment toindex iconLift the Source Environment to the Shared Storage
shifting the source to the shared storageindex iconShift the Source Environment to the Target Guest Domain
solaris.properties fileindex iconCreate a Target Guest Domain
source system
characteristicsindex iconExample Configuration and Prompts
patchesindex iconPrepare the Source System
preparingindex iconPrepare the Source System
promptindex iconExample Configuration and Prompts
requirementsindex iconRequirements
reviewingindex iconReview the Source System Configuration
adjustingindex iconConfigure Target Domain Virtual Disks
swap space
adjustingindex iconComplete the Target Guest Domain Configuration
listingindex iconReview the Source System Configuration
sys-unconfigindex iconReconfigure Host Names and IP Parameters


target guest domain
configuringindex iconComplete the Target Guest Domain Configuration
creatingindex iconCreate a Target Guest Domain
patchingindex iconShift the Source Environment to the Target Guest Domain
target system
characteristicsindex iconExample Configuration and Prompts
disk names and capacitiesindex iconPrepare the Target System
index iconInstall the Oracle Solaris 10 Recommended Patch Set
index iconPatch the Target Guest Domain
preparingindex iconPrepare the Target System
promptindex iconExample Configuration and Prompts
reconfiguring the zonesindex iconReconfiguring the Zones on the Target System
requirementsindex iconRequirements
template, downloadingindex iconPrepare the Target System
testing the migrationindex iconPerform Assurance Tests and Release the Workloads into Production
transfer utilitiesindex iconLift and Shift Overview
transferring data to the DB zoneindex iconTransfer Data to the Database Zone


understanding the lift and shift processindex iconUnderstanding the Lift and Shift Process


zfs send
index iconShift the Source Environment to the Target Guest Domain
index iconLift the Source Environment to the Shared Storage
zfs snapshots, creatingindex iconLift the Source Environment to the Shared Storage
bootingindex iconReconfigure Host Names and IP Parameters
listingindex iconReview the Source System Configuration
reconfiguringindex iconReconfigure the Zones
reconfiguring CPU IDsindex iconReconfigure Zone CPU IDs
reconfiguring host names and IP parametersindex iconReconfigure Host Names and IP Parameters