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Lift and Shift Guide - Migrating Workloads from Oracle Solaris 10 (ZFS) SPARC Systems to Oracle Solaris 10 Guest Domains

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Updated: February 2020

Configure Target Domain Virtual Disks

In this procedure, several vdisks are added to the target guest domain to support the incoming zones and the application data.

As you perform this procedure, take into account the state of your target system and adjust or omit steps as needed.

  1. Add all the disks to the target guest domain.

    This is an example of adding one vdisk, but the commands must be repeated to add all the disks that were provisioned in Prepare the Target System.

    1. Log into the target control domain as superuser.
    2. Add a disk to the target guest domain.
      root@TargetControlDom# ldm add-vdsdev /dev/rdsk/c0t600144F09F2C0BFD00005BE4A90F0004d0s2 solaris10-vol6@ovmt-vds0
      root@TargetControlDom# ldm add-vdisk vdisk6 solaris10-vol6@ovmt-vds0 solaris10
    3. Repeat Step 1.b to add each disk to the target guest domain.
    4. Verify the disk configuration.
      root@TargetControlDom# ldm list -o disk primary
          NAME         VOLUME         OPTIONS          MPGROUP        DEVICE
          ovmt-vds0    solaris10-vol0                                 /dev/rdsk/c0t600144F09F2C0BFD00005BE4A8500003d0s2
                       solaris10-vol1                                 /dev/rdsk/c0t600144F09F2C0BFD00005BE4A90F0004d0s2
                       solaris10-vol2                                 /dev/rdsk/c0t600144F09F2C0BFD00005BE4A9A90005d0s2
                       solaris10-vol3                                 /dev/rdsk/c0t600144F09F2C0BFD00005BE4BF670006d0s2
                       solaris10-vol4                                 /dev/rdsk/c0t600144F09F2C0BFD00005BE4C4BB000Dd0s2
                       solaris10-vol5                                 /dev/rdsk/c0t600144F09F2C0BFD00005BE4C4E4000Ed0s2
                       solaris10-vol6                                 /dev/rdsk/c0t600144F09F2C0BFD00005BE4BFC90007d0s2
                       solaris10-vol7                                 /dev/rdsk/c0t600144F09F2C0BFD00005BE4BFE60008d0s2
                       solaris10-vol8                                 /dev/rdsk/c0t600144F09F2C0BFD00005BE4C0410009d0s2
                       solaris10-vol9                                 /dev/rdsk/c0t600144F09F2C0BFD00005BE4C06B000Ad0s2
                       solaris10-vol10                                /dev/rdsk/c0t600144F09F2C0BFD00005BE4C3EC000Bd0s2
                       solaris10-vol11                                /dev/rdsk/c0t600144F09F2C0BFD00005BE4C424000Cd0s2
  2. List the vdisk bindings.

    The vdisks assigned to the target guest domain are vdisk0 through vdisk10, however when you display the disks with the format command, they are listed as c0d0 through c0d10.

    root@TargetControlDom# ldm ls -o disk solaris10
        NAME         VOLUME                 TOUT ID   DEVICE  SERVER         MPGROUP       
        vdisk0       solaris10-vol0@ovmt-vds0      0    disk@0  primary                      
        vdisk1       solaris10-vol1@ovmt-vds0      1    disk@1  primary                      
        vdisk2       solaris10-vol2@ovmt-vds0      2    disk@2  primary                      
        vdisk3       solaris10-vol3@ovmt-vds0      3    disk@3  primary                      
        vdisk4       solaris10-vol4@ovmt-vds0      4    disk@4  primary                      
        vdisk5       solaris10-vol5@ovmt-vds0      5    disk@5  primary                      
        vdisk6       solaris10-vol6@ovmt-vds0      6    disk@6  primary                      
        vdisk7       solaris10-vol7@ovmt-vds0      7    disk@7  primary                      
        vdisk8       solaris10-vol8@ovmt-vds0      8    disk@8  primary                      
        vdisk9       solaris10-vol9@ovmt-vds0      9    disk@9  primary                      
        vdisk10      solaris10-vol10@ovmt-vds0      10   disk@10 primary                      
        vdisk11      solaris10-vol11@ovmt-vds0      11   disk@11 primary   
  3. Log into the target guest domain and verify the target guest domain disks.
    root@TargetGuestDom# echo|format
    Searching for disks...done
    c0d1: configured with capacity of 599.92GB
    c0d2: configured with capacity of 299.91GB
    c0d3: configured with capacity of 299.91GB
    c0d4: configured with capacity of 149.91GB
    c0d5: configured with capacity of 149.91GB
    c0d6: configured with capacity of 199.93GB
    c0d7: configured with capacity of 199.93GB
    c0d8: configured with capacity of 249.92GB
    c0d9: configured with capacity of 249.92GB
    c0d10: configured with capacity of 1023.75MB
    c0d11: configured with capacity of 1023.75MB
           0. c0d0 <SUN-DiskImage-16GB cyl 17064 alt 2 hd 96 sec 768>
           1. c0d1 <SUN-ZFSStorage7355-1.0 cyl 19501 alt 2 hd 254 sec 254>
           2. c0d2 <SUN-ZFSStorage7355-1.0 cyl 9749 alt 2 hd 254 sec 254>
           3. c0d3 <SUN-ZFSStorage7355-1.0 cyl 9749 alt 2 hd 254 sec 254>
           4. c0d4 <SUN-ZFSStorage7355-1.0 cyl 4873 alt 2 hd 254 sec 254>
           5. c0d5 <SUN-ZFSStorage7355-1.0 cyl 4873 alt 2 hd 254 sec 254>
           6. c0d6 <SUN-ZFSStorage7355-1.0 cyl 6499 alt 2 hd 254 sec 254>
           7. c0d7 <SUN-ZFSStorage7355-1.0 cyl 6499 alt 2 hd 254 sec 254>
           8. c0d8 <SUN-ZFSStorage7355-1.0 cyl 8124 alt 2 hd 254 sec 254>
           9. c0d9 <SUN-ZFSStorage7355-1.0 cyl 8124 alt 2 hd 254 sec 254>
          10. c0d10 <SUN-ZFSStorage7355-1.0 cyl 8190 alt 2 hd 8 sec 32>
          11. c0d11 <SUN-ZFSStorage7355-1.0 cyl 8190 alt 2 hd 8 sec 32>
    Specify disk (enter its number): Specify disk (enter its number): 
  4. Prepare the disk for the mirror rpool.
    1. Identify the rpool disk.

      In this example, the rpool disk is c0d0s0.

      root@TargetGuestDom# zpool status rpool
        pool: rpool
       state: ONLINE
              rpool ONLINE 0 0 0
                c0d0s0 ONLINE 0 0 0
      errors: No known data errors
    2. On the target guest domain, run the prtvtoc command on the rpool disk to collect the following disk geometry information:

      Values for this example are shown in parenthesis.

      • Sectors per track (768)

      • Tracks per cylinder (96)

      • Accessible cylinders (17064)

      These values are used to configure the disk geometry of the rpool mirror disk so that the two disks match.

      root@TargetGuestDom# prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/c0d0s2
      * /dev/rdsk/c0d1s2 partition map
      * Dimensions:
      *     512 bytes/sector
      *     768 sectors/track
      *      96 tracks/cylinder
      *   73728 sectors/cylinder
      *   17066 cylinders
      *   17064 accessible cylinders
      * Flags:
      *   1: unmountable
      *  10: read-only
      *                          First     Sector    Last
      * Partition  Tag  Flags    Sector     Count    Sector  Mount Directory
             0      2    00          0 1258094592 1258094591
             2      5    00          0 1258094592 1258094591
    3. Use the format utility to configure the mirror disk with the same disk geometry information.

      root@TargetGuestDom# format c0d1
      selecting c0d1
      [disk formatted]
              disk       - select a disk
              type       - select (define) a disk type
              partition  - select (define) a partition table
              current    - describe the current disk
              format     - format and analyze the disk
              repair     - repair a defective sector
              label      - write label to the disk
              analyze    - surface analysis
              defect     - defect list management
              backup     - search for backup labels
              verify     - read and display labels
              save       - save new disk/partition definitions
              inquiry    - show disk ID
              volname    - set 8-character volume name
              !<cmd>     - execute <cmd>, then return
      format> type
              0. Auto configure
              1. Quantum ProDrive 80S
              2. Quantum ProDrive 105S
              3. CDC Wren IV 94171-344
              4. SUN0104
              5. SUN0207
              6. SUN0327
              7. SUN0340
              8. SUN0424
              9. SUN0535
              10. SUN0669
              11. SUN1.0G
              12. SUN1.05
              13. SUN1.3G
              14. SUN2.1G
              15. SUN2.9G
              16. Zip 100
              17. Zip 250
              18. Peerless 10GB
              19. SUN-ZFS Storage 7355-1.0
              20. other
      Specify disk type (enter its number)[19]: 20
      Enter number of data cylinders: 17064
      Enter number of alternate cylinders[2]: 
      Enter number of physical cylinders[17066]:
      Enter number of heads: 96
      Enter physical number of heads[default]:
      Enter number of data sectors/track: 768
      Enter number of physical sectors/track[default]:
      Enter rpm of drive[3600]:
      Enter format time[default]:
      Enter cylinder skew[default]:
      Enter track skew[default]:
      Enter tracks per zone[default]:
      Enter alternate tracks[default]:
      Enter alternate sectors[default]:
      Enter cache control[default]:
      Enter prefetch threshold[default]:
      Enter minimum prefetch[default]:
      Enter maximum prefetch[default]:
      Enter disk type name (remember quotes): "600GB disk for guest second root disk"
      selecting c0d1
      [disk formatted]
      format> l
      Ready to label disk, continue? y
      format> q
    4. Verify that the disk geometry for the rpool and mirror match.
      root@TargetGuestDom# prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/c0d1s2
      * /dev/rdsk/c0d1s2 partition map
      * Dimensions:
      *     512 bytes/sector
      *     768 sectors/track
      *      96 tracks/cylinder
      *   73728 sectors/cylinder
      *   17066 cylinders
      *   17064 accessible cylinders
      * Flags:
      *   1: unmountable
      *  10: read-only
      *                          First     Sector    Last
      * Partition  Tag  Flags    Sector     Count    Sector  Mount Directory
             0      2    00          0    294912    294911
             1      3    01     294912    294912    589823
             2      5    01          0 1258094592 1258094591
             6      4    00     589824 1257504768 1258094591
    5. Update the mirror disk VTOC.
      root@TargetGuestDom# prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/c0d0s2 | fmthard -s - /dev/rdsk/c0d1s2
      fmthard:  New volume table of contents now in place.
  5. Prepare the LUNs used by ASM.

    These substeps describe how to configure the ASM target disks with the same disk label type and partition table as the ASM disks on the source system.

    1. On the source system, use prtvtoc to capture the partition table of the LUNs used by ASM.
      root@SourceGlobal# prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/c2t600144F0E635D8C700005AC56B080015d0s2 > /ovas1/dbzone_asm_disk1.txt
    2. Review that partition table to determine if it has an EFI or SMI label.

      In the Dimensions list, SMI labels describe the disk geometry with cylinders. EFI labels do not specify cylinders, as shown in the following example.

      root@TargetGuestDom# cat /ovas1/dbzone_asm_disk1.txt
      * /dev/rdsk/c2t600144F0E635D8C700005AC56B080015d0s2 partition map
      * Dimensions:
      *     512 bytes/sector
      * 419430400 sectors
      * 419430333 accessible sectors
      * Flags:
      *   1: unmountable
      *  10: read-only
      *                          First     Sector    Last
      * Partition  Tag  Flags    Sector     Count    Sector  Mount Directory
             0      4    00         34 419413949 419413982
             8     11    00  419413983     16384 419430366
    3. From the target guest domain, determine which disks will be used for ASM.
      root@TargetGuestDom# ldm ls -o disk | egrep "c0t600144F09F2C0BFD00005BE4BFC90007d0|c0t600144F09F2C0BFD00005BE4BFE60008d0"
                       solaris10-vol6                                 /dev/rdsk/c0t600144F09F2C0BFD00005BE4BFC90007d0s2
                       solaris10-vol7                                 /dev/rdsk/c0t600144F09F2C0BFD00005BE4BFE60008d0s2
      root@TargetGuestDom# ldm ls -o disk solaris10 | egrep "solaris10-vol6|solaris10-vol7"
          vdisk6       solaris10-vol6@ovmt-vds0      6    disk@6  primary                      
          vdisk7       solaris10-vol7@ovmt-vds0      7    disk@7  primary     
    4. For each ASM disk, use format -e to label the disk with the same label type as the source LUN.
      root@TargetGuestDom# format -e c0d6
      selecting c0d6
      format> label
      [0] SMI Label
      [1] EFI Label
      Specify Label type[1]: 1
      root@TargetGuestDom# format -e c0d7
      selecting c0d6
      format> label
      [0] SMI Label
      [1] EFI Label
      Specify Label type[1]: 1
    5. Transfer the source ASM disk partition table to each target ASM disk.

      Because the target disks for ASM are provisioned with the same size as the source disks, the source disk partition table can be transferred to the target disk partition table using the fmthard command.

      root@TargetGuestDom# fmthard -s /ovas1/dbzone_asm_disk1.txt /dev/rdsk/c0d6s2
      root@TargetGuestDom# fmthard -s /ovas1/dbzone_asm_disk1.txt /dev/rdsk/c0d7s2
  6. Create a mirror for the target guest domain rpool.
    root@TargetGuestDom# zpool attach rpool c0d0s0 c0d1s0
    Make sure to wait until resilver is done before rebooting.
  7. Configure metadevices and create UFS file systems.

    The source dbzone uses two separate UFS file systems on SVM metadevices for the redo and archive logs, so the same metadevices are created on the target guest domain. One metadevice, d20, is created with 10 GB of storage for the Redo log file system. Another metadevice, d30, is created with 200 GB of storage for the Archive Redo log file system.

    root@TargetGuestDom# metadb -a -c 3 -f /dev/dsk/c0d10s4
    root@TargetGuestDom# metadb -a -c 3 -f /dev/dsk/c0d11s4
    root@TargetGuestDom# metadb
            flags           first blk       block count
         a        u         16              8192            /dev/dsk/c0d10s4
         a        u         8208            8192            /dev/dsk/c0d10s4
         a        u         16400           8192            /dev/dsk/c0d10s4
         a        u         16              8192            /dev/dsk/c0d11s4
         a        u         8208            8192            /dev/dsk/c0d11s4
         a        u         16400           8192            /dev/dsk/c0d11s4
    root@TargetGuestDom# metainit d11 1 1 c0d8s0
    d11: Concat/Stripe is setup
    root@TargetGuestDom# metainit d12 1 1 c0d9s0
    d12: Concat/Stripe is setup
    root@TargetGuestDom# metainit d0 -m d11 d12
    metainit: d0: WARNING: This form of metainit is not recommended.
    The submirrors may not have the same data.
    Please see ERRORS in metainit(1M) for additional information.
    d0: Mirror is setup
    root@TargetGuestDom# metainit d20 -p d0 10g
    d20: Soft Partition is setup
    root@TargetGuestDom# metainit d30 -p d0 200g
    d30: Soft Partition is setup
    root@TargetGuestDom# metastat
    d30: Soft Partition
        Device: d0
        State: Okay
        Size: 419430400 blocks (200 GB)
            Extent Start Block Block count
                 0 21036096 419430400
    d0: Mirror
        Submirror 0: d11
          State: Okay
        Submirror 1: d12
          State: Okay
        Pass: 1
        Read option: roundrobin (default)
        Write option: parallel (default)
        Size: 524127984 blocks (249 GB)
    d11: Submirror of d0
        State: Okay
        Size: 524127984 blocks (249 GB)
        Stripe 0:
            Device Start Block Dbase State Reloc Hot Spare
            c0d8s0 0 No Okay Yes
    d12: Submirror of d0
        State: Okay
        Size: 524127984 blocks (249 GB)
        Stripe 0:
            Device Start Block Dbase State Reloc Hot Spare
            c0d9s0 0 No Okay Yes
    d20: Soft Partition
        Device: d0
        State: Okay
        Size: 20971520 blocks (10 GB)
            Extent Start Block Block count
                 0 64544 20971520
    Device Relocation Information:
    Device Reloc Device ID
    c0d9 Yes id1,vdc@n600144f09f2c0bfd00005be4c06b000a
    c0d8 Yes id1,vdc@n600144f09f2c0bfd00005be4c0410009
    root@TargetGuestDom# newfs /dev/md/rdsk/d20
    newfs: construct a new file system /dev/md/rdsk/d20: (y/n)? y
    Warning: 4096 sector(s) in last cylinder unallocated
    /dev/md/rdsk/d20:       20971520 sectors in 3414 cylinders of 48 tracks, 128 sectors
            10240.0MB in 214 cyl groups (16 c/g, 48.00MB/g, 5824 i/g)
    super-block backups (for fsck -F ufs -o b=#) at:
     32, 98464, 196896, 295328, 393760, 492192, 590624, 689056, 787488, 885920,
     20055584, 20154016, 20252448, 20350880, 20449312, 20547744, 20646176,
     20744608, 20843040, 20941472  
    root@TargetGuestDom# newfs /dev/md/rdsk/d30
    newfs: construct a new file system /dev/md/rdsk/d30: (y/n)? y
    Warning: 2048 sector(s) in last cylinder unallocated /dev/md/rdsk/d30:       419430400 sectors in 68267 cylinders of 48 tracks, 128 sectors
            204800.0MB in 4267 cyl groups (16 c/g, 48.00MB/g, 5824 i/g)
    super-block backups (for fsck -F ufs -o b=#) at: 32, 98464, 196896, 295328, 393760, 492192, 590624, 689056, 787488, 885920,
    Initializing cylinder groups:
    super-block backups for last 10 cylinder groups at:
     418484384, 418582816, 418681248, 418779680, 418878112, 418976544, 419074976,
     419173408, 419271840, 419370272
  8. Create zpools for the dbzone.
    root@TargetGuestDom# mkdir -p /zones/dbzone
    root@TargetGuestDom# zpool create -m /zones/dbzone dbzone mirror c0d2 c0d3
    root@TargetGuestDom# zpool create -f dbzone_db_binary mirror c0d4 c0d5
  9. Verify the zpools.
    root@TargetGuestDom# zpool status
      pool: dbzone
     state: ONLINE
     scan: none requested
            NAME        STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
            dbzone      ONLINE       0     0     0
              mirror-0  ONLINE       0     0     0
                c0d2    ONLINE       0     0     0
                c0d3    ONLINE       0     0     0
    errors: No known data errors
      pool: dbzone_db_binary
     state: ONLINE
     scan: none requested
            NAME        STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
            dbzone_db_binary  ONLINE       0     0     0
              mirror-0  ONLINE       0     0     0
                c0d4    ONLINE       0     0     0
                c0d5    ONLINE       0     0     0
    errors: No known data errors
      pool: rpool
     state: ONLINE
     scan: resilvered 11.5G in 0h1m with 0 errors on Mon Jul 30 15:02:20 2018
            NAME        STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
            rpool       ONLINE       0     0     0
              mirror-0  ONLINE       0     0     0
                c0d0s0  ONLINE       0     0     0
                c0d1s0  ONLINE       0     0     0
    errors: No known data errors