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Lift and Shift Guide - Migrating Workloads from Oracle Solaris 10 (ZFS) SPARC Systems to Oracle Solaris 10 Guest Domains

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Updated: February 2020

Transfer Data to the Database Zone

The dbzone on the source system has 2 zpools (dbzone and dbzone_db_primary) .The redo and archive logs are on a non-ZFS filesystem, and must be copied to the target dbzone before the dbzone database can be reconfigured:

  • dbzone (zpool)

  • dbzone_db_primary (zpool)

  • /logs/redologs (UFS filesystem for Database Redologs)

  • /logs/archivelogs (UFS filesystem for Database archivelogs)

  • Target dbzone disks mapped to the data (ASM) contained in the Source dbzone

This procedure uses the following methods to move the application data to the target zones:

  • The database logs are restored and copied to shared storage (/ovas1).

  • A combination of dd and gunzip commands are used to get a consistent copy of the source disks (database application data) and remap the data to the target disks (same size) on the zones after they are attached to the target guest domain.

  1. On the target guest domain, identify the disks.
    root@TargetGuestDom# echo |format
           0. c0d0 <SUN-DiskImage-16GB cyl 17064 alt 2 hd 96 sec 768>
           1. c0d1 <600GB disk for guest second root dis cyl 17064 alt 2 hd 96 sec 768>
           2. c0d2 <SUN-ZFS Storage 7355-1.0-300.00GB>
           3. c0d3 <SUN-ZFS Storage 7355-1.0-300.00GB>
           4. c0d4 <SUN-ZFS Storage 7355-1.0-150.00GB>
           5. c0d5 <SUN-ZFS Storage 7355-1.0-150.00GB>
           6. c0d6 <SUN-ZFS Storage 7355-1.0-200.00GB>
           7. c0d7 <SUN-ZFS Storage 7355-1.0-200.00GB>
           8. c0d8 <SUN-ZFSStorage7355-1.0 cyl 8124 alt 2 hd 254 sec 254>
           9. c0d9 <SUN-ZFSStorage7355-1.0 cyl 8124 alt 2 hd 254 sec 254>
          10. c0d10 <SUN-ZFSStorage7355-1.0 cyl 8190 alt 2 hd 8 sec 32>
          11. c0d11 <SUN-ZFSStorage7355-1.0 cyl 8190 alt 2 hd 8 sec 32>
    Specify disk (enter its number): Specify disk (enter its number): 
  2. Restore the redo and archive logs needed for the database startup on dbzone.

    To copy the contents of the Database and ASM data (diskgroup, and so on) these steps are carried out on the dbzone zone.

    1. Mount the shared storage from the target control domain.

      The shared mount point from the target control domain is mounted on dbzone to provide access to the application data disk contents.

      root@TargetDBzone# mkdir /ovas1
      root@TargetDBzone# mount -F nfs TargetControlDom:/ovas1 /ovas1
    2. Copy the redo logs to the target zone.
      root@TargetDBzone# cd /logs/redologs/
      root@TargetDBzone# gunzip -c /ovas1/redo.ufsdump.gz | ufsrestore xvf -
      Verify volume and initialize maps
      Dump   date: Mon Jul 30 11:09:29 2018
      Dumped from: the epoch
      Level 0 dump of /zones/dbzone/root/logs/redologs on SourceGlobal:/dev/md/dsk/d20
      Label: none
      Extract directories from tape
      Initialize symbol table.
      Extract requested files
      extract file ./redo04.log
      extract file ./redo05.log
      extract file ./redo06.log
      Add links
      Set directory mode, owner, and times.
      set owner/mode for '.'? [yn] y
      root@TargetDBzone# ls -rlth redo*
      -rw-r-----   1 oracle1  dba         200M Jul 30 11:00 redo05.log
      -rw-r-----   1 oracle1  dba         200M Jul 30 11:02 redo06.log
      -rw-r-----   1 oracle1  dba         200M Jul 30 11:09 redo04.log
    3. Copy the archive logs to the target zone.
      root@TargetDBzone# cd /logs/archivelogs/
      root@TargetDBzone# gunzip -c  /ovas1/archive.ufsdump.gz | ufsrestore xvf -
      Verify volume and initialize maps
      Dump   date: Mon Jul 30 11:09:29 2018
      Dumped from: the epoch
      Level 0 dump of /zones/dbzone/root/logs/archivelogs on SourceGlobal:/dev/md/dsk/d30
      Label: none
      Extract directories from tape
      Initialize symbol table.
      Make node ./ORCL9
      Make node ./ORCL9/archivelog
      Make node ./ORCL9/archivelog/2018_07_17
      Make node ./ORCL9/archivelog/2018_07_26
      Make node ./ORCL9/archivelog/2018_07_27
      Make node ./ORCL9/archivelog/2018_07_28
      Make node ./ORCL9/archivelog/2018_07_29
      Extract requested files
      extract file ./ORCL9/archivelog/2018_07_17/o1_mf_1_50_fnvzwkj8_.arc
      extract file ./ORCL9/archivelog/2018_07_26/o1_mf_1_51_foo2omnh_.arc
      extract file ./ORCL9/archivelog/2018_07_26/o1_mf_1_52_foo9vbdk_.arc
      extract file ./ORCL9/archivelog/2018_07_26/o1_mf_1_53_foobh0oh_.arc
      extract file ./ORCL9/archivelog/2018_07_27/o1_mf_1_54_foojrfps_.arc
      extract file ./ORCL9/archivelog/2018_07_27/o1_mf_1_55_foqy30ls_.arc
      extract file ./ORCL9/archivelog/2018_07_28/o1_mf_1_56_forhorlz_.arc
      extract file ./ORCL9/archivelog/2018_07_28/o1_mf_1_57_fosdvstz_.arc
      extract file ./ORCL9/archivelog/2018_07_28/o1_mf_1_58_fotb98gv_.arc
      extract file ./ORCL9/archivelog/2018_07_29/o1_mf_1_59_fovgm1cx_.arc
      extract file ./ORCL9/archivelog/2018_07_29/o1_mf_1_60_fow18vt2_.arc
      extract file ./ORCL9/archivelog/2018_07_29/o1_mf_1_61_fowydo5d_.arc
      Add links
      Set directory mode, owner, and times.
      set owner/mode for '.'? [yn] y
      root@TargetDBzone# ls -lrtRh ORCL9
      total 16
      drwxr-x---   7 oracle1  dba          452 Jul 29 06:00 archivelog
      total 80
      drwxr-x---   2 oracle1  dba          198 Jul 17 07:39 2018_07_17
      drwxr-x---   2 oracle1  dba          360 Jul 26 22:13 2018_07_26
      drwxr-x---   2 oracle1  dba          279 Jul 27 22:00 2018_07_27
      drwxr-x---   2 oracle1  dba          360 Jul 28 19:40 2018_07_28
      drwxr-x---   2 oracle1  dba          360 Jul 29 19:36 2018_07_29
      total 4112
      -rw-r-----   1 oracle1  dba         2.0M Jul 17 07:39 o1_mf_1_50_fnvzwkj8_.arc
      total 445936
      -rw-r-----   1 oracle1  dba          73M Jul 26 20:00 o1_mf_1_51_foo2omnh_.arc
      -rw-r-----   1 oracle1  dba          74M Jul 26 22:02 o1_mf_1_52_foo9vbdk_.arc
      -rw-r-----   1 oracle1  dba          71M Jul 26 22:13 o1_mf_1_53_foobh0oh_.arc
      total 299728
      -rw-r-----   1 oracle1  dba          72M Jul 27 00:00 o1_mf_1_54_foojrfps_.arc
      -rw-r-----   1 oracle1  dba          75M Jul 27 22:00 o1_mf_1_55_foqy30ls_.arc
      total 443696
      -rw-r-----   1 oracle1  dba          73M Jul 28 03:00 o1_mf_1_56_forhorlz_.arc
      -rw-r-----   1 oracle1  dba          72M Jul 28 11:18 o1_mf_1_57_fosdvstz_.arc
      -rw-r-----   1 oracle1  dba          72M Jul 28 19:40 o1_mf_1_58_fotb98gv_.arc
      total 442768
      -rw-r-----   1 oracle1  dba          73M Jul 29 06:00 o1_mf_1_59_fovgm1cx_.arc
      -rw-r-----   1 oracle1  dba          71M Jul 29 11:19 o1_mf_1_60_fow18vt2_.arc
      -rw-r-----   1 oracle1  dba          72M Jul 29 19:36 o1_mf_1_61_fowydo5d_.arc
  3. Restore ASM data.
    root@TargetDBzone# gunzip -c /ovas1/asm1.img.gz | dd of=/dev/rdsk/c0d6s0 bs=104857600
    root@TargetDBzone# gunzip -c /ovas1/asm2.img.gz | dd of=/dev/rdsk/c0d7s0 bs=104857600
  4. Change the ownership and the permissions of the ASM disks.

    The ownership of the ASM disks should owned by oracle1:dba and have permissions set to 660.

    root@TargetDBzone# chown oracle1:dba /dev/rdsk/c0d6s0 /dev/rdsk/c0d7s0
    root@TargetDBzone# chmod 660 /dev/rdsk/c0d6s0 /dev/rdsk/c0d7s0
  5. Check the networking topology of the dbzone.
    root@TargetDBzone# ifconfig -a
    lo0:1: flags=2001000849<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4,VIRTUAL> mtu 8232 index 1
            inet netmask ff000000
    vnet0:1: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 2
            inet netmask fffffe00 broadcast
    TargetDBzone# netstat -rn
    Routing Table: IPv4
      Destination           Gateway       Flags  Ref     Use     Interface
    -------------------- ---------------- ----- ----- ---------- ---------
    default             UG        1        225          U         1          2 vnet0:1          U         1          0 vnet0:1           UH        8      49807 lo0:1