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Lift and Shift Guide - Migrating Workloads from Oracle Solaris 10 (ZFS) SPARC Systems to Oracle Solaris 10 Guest Domains

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Updated: February 2020

Reconfigure Host Names and IP Parameters

  1. List the zones.

    The zones are ready to be configured.

    root@TargetGuestDom# zoneadm list -cv
      ID NAME             STATUS         PATH                        BRAND    IP
       0 global           running          /                       native   shared
       - webzone          installed        /rpool/webzone          native   shared
       - dbzone           installed        /zones/dbzone           native   shared

  2. Boot the non-global zones.

    By issuing the following commands in separate terminal windows, you can watch for potential error messages for each zone, and also use the zone console to issue additional commands such as sys-unconfig (used in the next step).

    From a terminal window, log into the dbzone console:

    root@TargetGuestDom# zlogin -C dbzone

    From a second window, log into the webzone console:

    root@TargetGuestDom# zlogin -C webzone

    From a third terminal window, boot both zones:

    root@TargetGuestDom# zoneadm -z dbzone boot
    root@TargetGuestDom# zoneadm -z webzone boot
  3. Configure the zone's host names and IP parameters to conform with the target environment.

    In this example, the following host names are identified to be ideal host names on the target system:

    dbzone → TargetDBzone.us.example.com

    webzone → TargetWebzone.us.example.com

    Use one of the following methods to change the hostnames and IP parameters on the target system:

    • In each zone, update these files (if available) with the appropriate parameters for the new environment, and reboot the non-global zones.
      • /etc/domainname – Specify the fully qualified domain name of the administrative domain to which the local host's network belongs.

      • /etc/hosts – Specify the zone's hostname and IP address

      • /etc/hostname.interface – (Only applies to exclusive-IP zones, which does not apply to this example) Specify the host name or IP address associated with the network interface.

      • /etc/nodename – Specify the host name of the local system.

      • /etc/resolve.conf – Specify the domain name and name servers for this host.

      root@TargetGuestDom# zoneadm -z dbzone reboot
      root@TargetGuestDom# zoneadm -z webzone reboot
    • Alternatively, you can use sys-unconfig to reconfigure the non-global zones.

      The sys-unconfig command resets a system's configuration so that it is ready to be reconfigured. The system's configuration consists of the hostname, network parameters, timezone, and root password. For more information, refer to the sys-unconfig man page.

      In this example, the command is performed in the dbzone console window.

      root@TargetDBzone# sys-unconfig

      In this example, the command is performed in the webzone console window.

      root@TargetWebzone# sys-unconfig

      From the target guest domain, boot the non-global zones.

      As the zones boot, watch the non-global zone console windows, and when prompted, enter the zone configuration information.

      root@TargetGuestDom# zoneadm -z dbzone boot
      root@TargetGuestDom# zoneadm -z webzone boot
  4. Verify the zone CPU assignments.
    root@TargetGuestDom# zlogin dbzone psrinfo -pv
    The physical processor has 16 virtual processors (32-47)
      SPARC-S7 (chipid 1, clock 4267 MHz)
    The physical processor has 16 virtual processors (48-63)
      SPARC-S7 (chipid 2, clock 4267 MHz)
    root@TargetGuestDom# zlogin webzone psrinfo -pv
    The physical processor has 16 virtual processors (0-15)
      SPARC-S7 (chipid 0, clock 4267 MHz)
    The physical processor has 16 virtual processors (16-31)
      SPARC-S7 (chipid 1, clock 4267 MHz)

  5. Verify that the web server in webzone is accessible by a client.

    A successful connection confirms that the webzone is deployed successfully on the target system.

    Note -  The same confirmation can be accomplished using a browser to display a web page from the web server.(http://TargetWebzone.us.example.com).
    root@client-sys# /usr/sfw/bin/wget http://TargetWebzone.us.example.com
    --2018-07-30 16:10:17--  http://TargetWebzone.us.example.com/
    Resolving TargetWebzone.us.example.com (TargetWebzone.us.example.com)...
    Connecting to TargetWebzone.us.example.com (TargetWebzone.us.example.com)||:80... connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
    Length: 1456 (1.4K) [text/html]
    Saving to: 'index.html.3'
    100%[===============================================================================>]   1.42K  --.-KB/s    in 0s
    2018-07-30 16:10:17 (66.2 MB/s) - 'index.html.3' saved [1456/1456]