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Lift and Shift Guide – Migrating Application Data From Older SPARC Systems to Newer SPARC Systems

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Updated: February 2020

Example 2a – Migrate a UFS File System (Full)

This is an example that migrates all of the data from a UFS file system to an already prepared ZFS or UFS file system.

image:A diagram showing the commands to migrate UFS to ZFS or UFS.
  1. Ensure that shared storage is prepared.

    See Prepare Shared Storage.

  2. From the source global zone, create a copy of the UFS file system in a compressed format on shared storage.

    Note – For the appropriate path to the pigz command, see the Secondary Commands table in Data Migration Commands.

    root@Source# ufsdump 0cf - /dev/md/rdsk/d20 | pigz > /SharedStorage/redo.ufsdump.gz
    DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Mon Jul 30 11:09:29 2018
    DUMP: Date of last level 0 dump: the epoch
    DUMP: Dumping /dev/md/rdsk/d20 (SourceGlobal:/zones/dbzone/root/logs/redologs) to
    standard output.
    DUMP: Mapping (Pass I) [regular files]
    DUMP: Mapping (Pass II) [directories]
    DUMP: Writing 63 Kilobyte records
    DUMP: Estimated 1232116 blocks (601.62MB).
    DUMP: Dumping (Pass III) [directories]
    DUMP: Dumping (Pass IV) [regular files]
    DUMP: 1232026 blocks (601.58MB) on 1 volume at 6315 KB/sec
  3. Check to see that the ufsdump file is starting to show up in the shared storage.
    root@Source# cd /SharedStorage
    root@Source# ls -rtlh *.gz
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 59M Jul 30 11:09 redo.ufsdump.gz
  4. From the target guest domain, uncompress and restore the dump file.

    Note – For the appropriate path to the pigz command, see the Secondary Commands table in Data Migration Commands.

    root@Target# pigz /SharedStorage/redo.ufsdump.gz | ufsrestore xvf -
    Verify volume and initialize maps
    Dump date: Mon Jul 30 11:09:29 2018
    Dumped from: the epoch
    Level 0 dump of /zones/dbzone/root/logs/redologs on SourceGlobal:/dev/md/dsk/d20
    Label: none
    Extract directories from tape
    Initialize symbol table.
    Extract requested files
    extract file ./redo04.log
    extract file ./redo05.log
    extract file ./redo06.log
    Add links
    Set directory mode, owner, and times.
    set owner/mode for '.'? [yn] y